• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Show your Plecos Here !!

It’s time for me to post the pics of the month lol if this doesn’t steal your hearts then your heartless I have a baby leopard frog approximately an inch and I ve had him for a few months now and I have no clue what he’s been eating but I see him when he comes out of his hiding spots and at his size he has thousands. I ve never see him eat until today !!!
He’s mustered up the guts to join the dog pile during feeding time as long as he doesn’t get banged around he’s been able to get some of the repashy and today it was my ALL recipe that he got which has : Spawn & grow formula / soilent green formula / bottom scratcher formula / morning wood formula / and extra protein I grounded up consisting of bloodworms/ baby brine shrimp / krill and daphnia. You will also see my vampire pleco he loves this batch.ED16F778-EAA9-4FB9-93A3-E7E4A63D0869.jpeg97C1D6CA-439D-462C-A85B-15007A527C6C.jpegC86DCFE5-3C65-4697-A0DF-0C1EFB538F48.jpeg34CDC324-6E38-4E53-BDC4-CE9F5D342FD5.jpegD7EFCD59-EFCC-4392-84C2-1B20FDD801AE.jpeg 140703DA-EEBD-432C-89F0-E1ACCE866729.jpeg 1928733A-43A3-4096-B958-3CA631455C1D.jpeg4909C1D4-35EC-4A86-A09E-9A79FE1B0A39.jpeg 1F99D678-7F6E-41F0-9FCA-DC81B6B816A2.jpegF3481C92-0519-4134-973A-39E6F1ABFD03.jpeg
The photo is a little wonky cause I shot it at and angle as I didn’t wanna run up on the tank and square up in fear of scaring off my L273 as he is still skiddish of me right now and getting use to me. This was after I fed him a frozen raw shelled mussel. I had just removed the empty shell and was doing a 50% water change.
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