Sick Black Spotted Spiny Eel


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 22, 2017
From the pic I can say it is a Pterygoplichthys most likely one of these P. gibbiceps, P. joselimaianus, or P. Pardalis. But without a clearer picture I can't say for sure
Any other recommendations on the recovery of my eel besides hospitalized tank with aquarium salt? He made it through the night, but it’s not looking too bright. Just wondering if there was anything else I could do


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2012
United States
really it is just a waiting game the week mine was recovering it looked touch and go at first then he started to look better a day or two later then worse for two day in the hospital tank you can lower water level a little to reduce pressure, then keep the lights off, also make sure you have an airstone to keep oxygen levels up. Also give him a place to hide that isn't too tight so he doesn't scrape his wound


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 22, 2017
really it is just a waiting game the week mine was recovering it looked touch and go at first then he started to look better a day or two later then worse for two day in the hospital tank you can lower water level a little to reduce pressure, then keep the lights off, also make sure you have an airstone to keep oxygen levels up. Also give him a place to hide that isn't too tight so he doesn't scrape his wound
What do you think about adding Melafix to the tank?


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2012
United States
Truthfully I've never used meds however after looking it up I think that would be a good idea since it should help prevent infections


Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 22, 2017
Truthfully I've never used meds however after looking it up I think that would be a good idea since it should help prevent infections
Not looking too good this morning. He is now darting around the aquariumrunning into things and curling up awkwardly over things. He now lays most of the time on his back (upside down). He’s breathing extremely fast. He honestly looks like he’s in a lot of pain. I feel so bad. Water temp is at 84 and everything else is normal. I even decreased the water level to alleviate pressure. Running out of options here, if he’s like this a couple more days, I may euthanize with clove oil.

Just Toby

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 22, 2010
Guildford UK
When feeding cucumber to a Pleco you MUST drop it in boiling water first, plants on land use cellulose to stand up agianst gravity, water based plants do not use this so fish are not equipped to deal with it in their digestive systems.
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2012
United States
When feeding cucumber to a Pleco you MUST drop it in boiling water first, plants on land use cellulose to stand up agianst gravity, water based plants do not use this so fish are not equipped to deal with it in their digestive systems.
actually I have never blanched my cucumber and my plecos love it skin and all. Remember plecos eat wood which has cellulose
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Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2012
United States
Not looking too good this morning. He is now darting around the aquariumrunning into things and curling up awkwardly over things. He now lays most of the time on his back (upside down). He’s breathing extremely fast. He honestly looks like he’s in a lot of pain. I feel so bad. Water temp is at 84 and everything else is normal. I even decreased the water level to alleviate pressure. Running out of options here, if he’s like this a couple more days, I may euthanize with clove oil.
I would lower the temp to around 78 since he is breathing hard because the hotter the water the lower the oxygen. I know it can be hard to watch but I would hold of on the clove oil when mine was looking real bad I was tempted but I'm so glad I didn't because he made a full recovery and now is the tank boss atleast for the eels
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Just Toby

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 22, 2010
Guildford UK
Not many species eat wood and they only rasp on the outer layers of very old soaked wood. Plecos will eat cucumber not boiled skin and all but it really should be blanched.
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Feeder Fish
MFK Member
Dec 22, 2017
I would lower the temp to around 78 since he is breathing hard because the hotter the water the lower the oxygen. I know it can be hard to watch but I would hold of on the clove oil when mine was looking real bad I was tempted but I'm so glad I didn't because he made a full recovery and now is the tank boss atleast for the eels
Just lowered the temperature, I completely forgot about that. I believe Melafix also lowers the oxygen so that would explain his increased respiratory rate.