It’s odd as his tail is messed up like he ripped it up. His pectorals are also a little discolored as well. Maybe it’d natural coloration?!! I’ll post pics later
you can get this species! They’re becoming more and more readily available. Very happy to see this taking place. I absolutely love these fish. It’s weird though recently his tail has been getting ripped up. He’s obviously the only inhabitant, but I wonder if he just shoots around at night and messes his tail up. It’s healing but was red a lil while ago. He’s eating like a champ.
That’s what I believe mine does.I see alot of pics of these guys with split tails/partial tails. My specimen had/has it as well and hes the sole inhabitant of a 650g. It was worse when he was in a smaller 230g. Ive yet to try meds tho. Its taken a cple yrs to almost be back to normal. Ive thought the same if its just from thrashing around or moving deco. Mine tosses around a 18-20” piece of wood as he wishes. Its in a different spot of the tank almost daily.