So what is the expectation regarding temperatures for this fish's tank? It sounds as though it won't be heated to typical "tropical" temperatures, but how warm or how cold do you expect it to work out best?
And what's with the tail fin on these things? Even the semi-leucistic one shown above appears as though the caudal fin is a bit damaged or eroded or...?
The more I read this thread and other stuff I can find about
meridionalis, the more interested I am becoming. I have my 360-gallon sitting empty in the basement right now; it was slated for housing a Burbot until I discovered that was now I'm up in the air. My wife wants Goldfish (!), but I am now musing the possibility of either a Goonch or a
meridionalis. Both are pretty tough to get up here...I've never even seen a
meridionalis offered at all, and only one or two Goonch ever. I plan on keeping this as a cool/temperate tank, so both those species seem to have potential for me.
Yeah, yeah, I know...plenty of folks are running RO units and otherwise jumping through complicated and expensive hoops to create water because they simply must have a given species of fish...and I am too cheap and too lazy to drop a heater into a tank...
I showed my wife the pic of that cool Walking Dead
meridionalis that
@wednesday13 posted above, and her reaction was "If you think you are doing another big tank with another big-ass catfish sleeping on the bottom..." Any married man understands the implied threat when the sentence trails off like that.