In typical “big cat fashion” most have somewhat of a breaking point in my experience i.e. Rtc, tsn etc. where there pretty much lumps on logs until they reach 24” or so and start becoming personable, hand feeding at the surface and more bold/active. My 22” chinese will cruise the tank like this during moonrise/1st light or late in the evening its just not 24:7 like my old euro wels always up and begging for food. My euro didnt start becoming a “wet pet” until 28-30” tho also (that just happened alot quicker 2-3yrs). Maybe ive just been to quick to judge the chinese, inpatient and forgot my own experiences with cats ive “trained” to be like dogs lol… 6 yrs is a long time for a “larger” cat species to still be only 22”. I think personally i may just be a bit bias from not being “rewarded” so easily yet
with some interaction from mine. I gotta be close. I catch him out more and more as the months/yrs fade by. Prob stick it out at this point and see what happens over 24” 10+ yrs
. Mines in a 650g, will never outgrow the tank and has plenty space to hit 30”+ if possible.
. See who breaks first haha…