Six GATF from Wes

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Yeah, I mentioned as such in the sticky. Flow isn't important to ATF, oxygenation is. Flow is only useful because it helps to prevent them from building up so much speed. This was lost in translation over the years, and I think people have completely glossed over my mention of the open water habitat.

I concur. Applies to Dorados as well.
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I think that guys tank is over 4,000g. He posted the dimensions on Facebook. Something like 12ft x 6ft x 6ft. He had a vid where he is in the tank feeding it. I believe it's over 3 ft now but it was one of those quick growers where he got it from 6in to 3ft in like 3 or 4 years.
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I think that guys tank is over 4,000g. He posted the dimensions on Facebook. Something like 12ft x 6ft x 6ft. He had a vid where he is in the tank feeding it. I believe it's over 3 ft now but it was one of those quick growers where he got it from 6in to 3ft in like 3 or 4 years.
Oh nice. Yeah I have seen feeding videos of that monster. A true beast!
Damn we lose way too many like that :( ...
My long standing belief is that people give them too much space. When I started keeping my growouts in a 20l until they were settled and used to the happenings of my home, I stopped having this mysterious losses. I think when new atf are kept in a larger tank, they spook and have enough room to build up sufficient speed to harm themselves. Once they're settled and used to a human-dependant feeding regime, the spooking deaths generally stop.

My first GATF loss has come, just along this fashion - knocking themselves out.

As I said back on page 2 (you guys are prolific typists but I learned a lot; thanks) my first six GATF I got in March 2017 were getting skittish more and more lately to the point of unreasonableness. I couldn't pass by their 240 gal without them going bezerk. The closer I passed, the exponentially stronger was their response... until a few days back, one knocked itself out bad, knocked out two front upper teeth, and never recovered.

TBH, that hurt bad.

I had some dithers in their tank but not enough and they were not big enough either. So I thought the remaining five probably could benefit from more and larger calm dithers and added 10 more - 3 large bala sharks, 3 tor putitora, two silver dollars, and two flagtail Prochilodus, all 6"-10".

I saw an effect immediately. The GATF calmed down 100x. I can actually walk by their tank within 10-15 feet and they don't dart or frantically look for a way to swim away.

Too late for the one that perished. It was 8.5" to the caudal base fork. See below.

Wes says his friend's adult GATF in 35,000 gal are totally calm and aren't bothered by people in the slightest. He observed the same in another friend's crowded 400 gal tank with an 18" GATF - no skittishness at all. fugupuff fugupuff

Mine still try to swim away when I approach the tank close but far not as badly as before. Will try and shoot a video of the tank with the new stock soon, if nothing deleterious develops out of this reshuffling.

Does anyone have pro and con observations of dithers mitigating GATF nervousness?

I did get 9-10 new GATF from Wes but it's a struggle. Will report later if I am able to stabilize them.

ATF, GATF, dead, 1st of 6-1.JPG ATF, GATF, dead, 1st of 6-2.JPG ATF, GATF, dead, 1st of 6-3.JPG ATF, GATF, dead, 1st of 6-4.JPG
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Gorgeous specimen, sorry for your loss. Sorry for the derail too, they got me going lol.

I've long been an advocate of dithers for ATF, I used to always tell people to add three tinfoil barbs for every ATF being added, so you're in the ballpark of what I would have done. Young ATF tend to be a schooling fish in the shallows at the edge of a lake or river. The lack of dithers will freak them out thanks to a deep seated instinctive response to predators. The lack of dithers signifies a reason to hide, because the dithers are hiding.

A larger, sexually mature ATF (at 15-18" or so), especially a larger GATF, is an apex predator that really doesn't have any reason to fear anything.
Sorry for your loss buddy :(. And yeah dithers help a lot. Also, in my experience, baby Goliaths tend to ‘feed’ off of the nature of the other fish in the tank. For example, when I had my Goliath with 3 acnodon normanis (tiger sheep pacu) he was extremely skittish, just like the pacus. And they were acting exactly like you mentioned, I would actually turn off the lights and feed them only at night because the fish would go crazy and start hitting themselves. But when I switched the dithers to tiger scats (not skittish at all), the Goliath became extremely relaxed. And the change was almost instant.
Sorry for your beautiful gatf buddy, I can also attest to how my tags were not skittish at all in a crowded tank lol. However depends on personality of individual fish, had a couple that were just extremely shy. I just lost a xingu cichla from knocking itself out in a 6feet long tank that was overly skittish.
Ok, I am now upset and will ask the most important question. Who are these friends of Wes that has a massive aimara in a 10,000g tank and an adult gatf in a 35,000g tank? And more importantly why do we not have pics and vids?

Shame on you fugupuff fugupuff !!!

Obviously I am j/k.
Ok, I am now upset and will ask the most important question. Who are these friends of Wes that has a massive aimara in a 10,000g tank and an adult gatf in a 35,000g tank? And more importantly why do we not have pics and vids?

Shame on you fugupuff fugupuff !!!

Obviously I am j/k.
Sure we all wonder the same lol
first time I've heard about the 30k gallon tank with gatfs..... where is this? I'm so curious now. That must be enormous... I know I've seen swimming pool sized setups here in Asia but was wondering if you were referring to in the states. fugupuff fugupuff