I think I have 7 or 8 surviving new GATF at 2"-3". Eating minced fish and frozen blood worm well. So there is hope.
Serves me right. I should have read and re-read more carefully your ATF write-up / stickie.
... I've long been an advocate of dithers for ATF....
Serves me right. I should have read and re-read more carefully your ATF write-up / stickie.
Wes says it is a 35,000 gal tank of his friend's. He sent me a video or two if it before on the phone. The friend is not on MFK and I am guessing is probably private. I believe this is in the US. Must be California.first time I've heard about the 30k gallon tank with gatfs..... where is this? I'm so curious now. That must be enormous... I know I've seen swimming pool sized setups here in Asia but was wondering if you were referring to in the states.fugupuff