Snakehead Fishing in New Jersey

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And these are the same fisherman who destroy the native gar population for fear of what they'll do to sport fish.
Yup same fisherman would love to kill bowfin, gars, bullheads, rock bass and eelpout simply because they dont want these fish to eat their favorite gamefish, yet they are native to same areas. I had this friend who hates rock bass and bowfin that he would kill them because he don't want them eating walleyes althrough he stopped doing that after I confronted him. Noted that most walleyes in Minnesota are not native to most lakes.

I knew some fisherman will kill muskellunge and northern pike for just fun or doesn't want them in "their" waters because they dont want these predators to eating all edible fish.
I just find it funny that this one kid thinks he can take care of these snakeheads on his own like he is walker texas ranger. I went to the area to try and find the spot that he was catching them we didnt find the exact spot but that area is full of lake streams and rivers if he thinks for one second that he can whip them out on his own he has anouther thing comin. Even if everyone in that area fished for them for a whole week u wouldnt b able to bput a dent in it

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Ive seen people snap the bill off of gar and throw them back because they were "trash" fish.
Invasive snakehead fish found in Tinicum

One look at those big teeth and that eel-like body, and Gary Stolz knew: A northern snakehead had been caught in a tidal area of the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum.

The three-pound, 24-inch fish was caught Thursday, on the west side of Route 420. It meant that this odd and ugly invasive species, so bizarre it's been dubbed "frankenfish," was continuing its slow but sure colonization of the region's waterways.

Whether it fits seamlessly into the food chain of the region or its voracious appetite for fish, frogs, and even small mammals allows it to take over the aquatic ecosystem is still a matter of conjecture.
Ah, I mean it's not ideal to introduce any non-native species, but as many folks have said, we've been doing it on our own for years. The Potomac is riddled with non-natives which are now big sportfish (LMB, Blue Cats...). I'm a fish biologist, so I certainly don't advocate the introduction of non-natives, but as far as snakeheads go, it looks like it won't be nearly as bad as projected. I know that USFWS is still trying to figure out how to eradicate the snakeheads in the Potomac area, but it's a futile attempt. 4 years of constant killing of snakeheads and we're no better off than we were before. It's now shifted to education and research of the fish. There are several tagging and laboratory experiments going on, up and down the eastern seaboard. In terms of destruction, It appears that the blue cats are doing much worse, but they're not going anywhere either.

If you catch them, eat 'em! or at least give them to someone who will eat them, they're quite a treat.
Ah, I mean it's not ideal to introduce any non-native species, but as many folks have said, we've been doing it on our own for years. The Potomac is riddled with non-natives which are now big sportfish (LMB, Blue Cats...). I'm a fish biologist, so I certainly don't advocate the introduction of non-natives, but as far as snakeheads go, it looks like it won't be nearly as bad as projected. I know that USFWS is still trying to figure out how to eradicate the snakeheads in the Potomac area, but it's a futile attempt. 4 years of constant killing of snakeheads and we're no better off than we were before. It's now shifted to education and research of the fish. There are several tagging and laboratory experiments going on, up and down the eastern seaboard. In terms of destruction, It appears that the blue cats are doing much worse, but they're not going anywhere either.

If you catch them, eat 'em! or at least give them to someone who will eat them, they're quite a treat.

Finally, someone with a very usefull post :)

"Getting paid to fish sounds like a dream come true to some. But does it have the same appeal if you're going up against a "fish from hell" that can travel on land and sink its teeth into a steel-toed boot?" Steel toe boot? Hardly...

"Fish from hell...." Give me a break...

Whoever wrote this article is an IDIOT

From Africa??????????????? WTF???

"We don't expect that anglers will eradicate the snakehead population," <--- You think???

"We do believe this promotion and inspiration of anglers can help control the snakehead population" <-- We are not going to control them...........