Snakehead Fishing in New Jersey

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
That's nice snakehead....would be looking nice on my wall :)

These snakeheads makes fisherman/bowfishers happy :)
I've been keeping fish for 30+ years and have been fishing for about 50 years - still learning. LOL! I probably kept a snakehead in a fish tank when you were still in diapers.
Did I said any LOL! in my last post?
@ that video... NIIIIICE snakehead
Research is your friend and it is time for you go to research.

Yes snakehead is apex predator with voracious appetites and so are non-native largemouth bass & muskellunge. Tell me why a snakehead do not belong to Potomac River while walleye/trout/muskellunge/catfish/largemouth/smallmouth bass which they are not native to Potomac River has a right to be in Potomac River?

Lol its bc SCIFI didn't make a horror movie about all those non native fish they dont walk into your backyard and eat your babies when your not looking. Getting rid of sbakeheads will be like getting rid of AIDS in america just not going to happen. Thanx OP for the post im going to try amd fish these fish tomorrow. Big fish on the end of my line that put upa good fight is ok with me may as well learn to like them bc they aren't going anywhere

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Ok now i understand. Snakeheads = bad when released... note to self make sure purchased fish are not going to out grow the tank i put them in... and second not to self: tis better to flush and lost than to release and regret.
If you polled the majority of freshwater fishermen in this country, I would be willing to bet that they do not want snakeheads in their local waters.

And these are the same fisherman who destroy the native gar population for fear of what they'll do to sport fish.
And these are the same fisherman who destroy the native gar population for fear of what they'll do to sport fish.

Those guys make absolutely no sense at all. They sit there with rifles, shooting all gars they see. Reasoning: gars eat "native" bass, panfish, catfish, and all their spawn. What they fail miserably to realise is that the gars are native, but all the bass, panfish, etc. are not native.