Snakehead Fishing in New Jersey

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Oh I know they looking I'm not a meat eater and I don't condone in the killing of animals these fish were obtain while fishing alone either I was left with the choice of throwing them back or keeping them I made the right choice they will never be in the waterways again... If someone wants to come kill them be my guess but my own religious beliefs won't allow me to do so...other times Ive caught them I wasn't alone and who ever I was with handled the business and ate the fish and said its the best tasting fish they ever had but I'm all veggies so idk... I do know they are beautiful ... But blue cats the true monsters.... Peace out mfk
Oh I know they looking I'm not a meat eater and I don't condone in the killing of animals these fish were obtain while fishing alone either I was left with the choice of throwing them back or keeping them I made the right choice they will never be in the waterways again... If someone wants to come kill them be my guess but my own religious beliefs won't allow me to do so...other times Ive caught them I wasn't alone and who ever I was with handled the business and ate the fish and said its the best tasting fish they ever had but I'm all veggies so idk... I do know they are beautiful ... But blue cats the true monsters.... Peace out mfk

It doesn't matter that your intentions are good, the bottom line is that having or transporting live snakeheads is illegal and quite possibly a federal offense. USFWS special agents and MD DNR cops won't see things your way, religious beliefs or not, and you could be facing serious trouble. I hope you don't get caught, but those are risks I'm certainly not willing to take. Good luck.
I understand bro and thanks for the goodluck never be afraid to fight for what u believe in though!!!it's my religious beliefs and I'll take it to court and thru school and my major I already got the wheels rolling on permits ;)
I understand bro and thanks for the goodluck never be afraid to fight for what u believe in though!!!it's my religious beliefs and I'll take it to court and thru school and my major I already got the wheels rolling on permits ;)

Well if you find a way to get a permit, send me a PM, I'd be interested to know the process, there are more than one of us who have studied fish academically and have those potential connections. It's not about fighting for what you believe in, it's about picking the right battles for me. With the publicity this has gotten, that's the wrong battle for me.
It's like talking to a brick wall. Obviously the person not fishing the area would know more about it. Smh

As far as fishing for the snakeheads look for areas with out current. Vegetation is good. Run stuff like buzz bait, spinner baits, chatter baits, rattle traps. If you want smaller ones use smaller lures. Make sure you use braided lines or the fishing trip may be expensive. If you try Fishing with a bobber and worms you won't catch any. They actually are fished a lot like bass. but if your in north jersey you can try rancocas creek, cooper river and big timber creek. Kinda hit em on the way down. But Woodbury seems to be a very populated area.

thanks alot man im in north jersey i hope one of these places is a little closer
I will def letchu know I should receive my feedback very soon.. My battle isn't about the fish in particular it's about I don't kill things technically since I was alone n I do believe the language says your not suppose to give them to anybody what do I do? Or maybe I'm uniformed about proper disposal for people like me maybe u can give them away once dead ? But I don't kill fortunately my boy that usually eats them comes back from school this weekend so he already know he has two good sandwiches here he loves them for some reason he says they ate good white meat .. I'm fitting to study the electric eel next so I'm dedicating my huge tank to them.. But I'm going to try to obtain the permit to study other type of snakeheads besides northerns
@jpwolf... I've caught most in my area using zoom horny toads (bullfrog) color ... White spinner baits...white rooster tail spinners .. Zoom smoke shad .., zoom albino shad..They jump out the water like great white sharks lls they hit hard!
@jpwolf... I've caught most in my area using zoom horny toads (bullfrog) color ... White spinner baits...white rooster tail spinners .. Zoom smoke shad .., zoom albino shad..They jump out the water like great white sharks lls they hit hard!

man your making me want to take that ride just to try and catch one!!!!!!
Im in Maryland you can check out YouTube type Potomac river snakeheads or doggue creek snakehead or mattawomen creek snakehead and anglers show you how it's done they are good game fish here they have tournaments down here now for them..look at the md Dnr report also they letchu know what brand of lure they use on there to catch them sometimes.... Are you the jp that use to take all those pictures at shark aquarium ? On pfury?
I also own a Snakeheads but fortunately they are legal in The Netherlands.
I wouldn't describe my snakeheads as calm and peacefull fish,but they aren't killing machines either.

About the low amount of muskellunge and pike's you catch in the U.S..
There is kind of a logic reason to that,I don't know about musky but pike is inactive for about 90% of the day.
And the bigger they are,the more lazier they get.
Pike ussualy feed like once every three to four days and only on a specific time of the day.
Most of the pike that are being caught on lures are not caught because they were hungry but because of an agressive reaction to a lure that came to close to them. Your waterways are probably filled with pike's,but because you don't know when and how to catch them you will end up catching bass.
I always went fishing in a small pond near my home from a couple of acres acros. Never seen nor caught a pike.
But in the winter of 2009 the pond frooze and due to a layer of snow on the ice all the fish inside the pool died.
When it stopped freezing and we came to take a look at the damage we were totally suprised.
Over one hundred dead pike's,with some over 30lbs.
The amount of time I spend at the lake casting lures most have been over 30hours,and I never caught anything.