• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

So you want to keep a RTC (Red Tailed Catfish)?

There are actually dwarf RTC. THey are just not bred for it. It happens just like dwarmism in humans, as well as albinos and all sort of other morphs. It's just rare to see it in the hobby as fish do get culled.
It would seem almost better if they could breed dwarf RTC then when people got them they wouldn't get so big and people would kill them or throw them into pond rivers streams ect

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I wish there was a dwarf RTC, that would rock.

Bro there is. Its a short bodied RTC. Its on the uprise in Singapore as the demands are increasing. 10 inches starting about $400 SGD as compared to the normal RTC which will go for around $30 to $50 at most.
Bro there is. Its a short bodied RTC. Its on the uprise in Singapore as the demands are increasing. 10 inches starting about $400 SGD as compared to the normal RTC which will go for around $30 to $50 at most.

I can only find pics and vids of smaller specimens. DO you have any photos of larger ones?
I want one of the Short bodied RTC, they look awesome and you don't need a huge 20' pond for it, I hope they start showing up in the LFS soon or become more available, would love an RTC but I know I never could house it for life, but if I could I would for sure get one, but the short body I sure could.:D
I would love to have an RTC, but definitely need more experience with fish keeping and the bigger setups before making that commitment. :)
hahahahah i love threads like this i work at a pet shop and we sell little red tails and people sell us the big red tails back and i NEVER seen one get this big ever the biggest one we have gotten was probably 3 and a half feet and that guy had it in a pond you people need to understand that these fish dont grow any where close to 6-8 ft in a FISH TANK and for you people that say " let is go it needs the wild" these fish were not taken from the wild they are bred in captivity they dont know what the wild is i love listening to you people "it costs thousands of dollars to take care of these fish" w t f are you feeding them whole cows? i have 2 that are about 19 inches and i feed them golden roach minnows and they eat like 2 to 3 at a time and those cost me about 4 bucks a dozen i dont think you people can do math because that comes no where near thousands of dollars but keep on trying to turn people off of these amazing fish BTW we get people coming in all the time in my shop to buy the bigger red tails for companys that have small indoor ponds or even our large aquarium comes and buys red tails time to time we probably have them for a month to the longest so quit complaining

dude, I work in a pet store too but your post made me laugh. No one's putting anyone off anything. You either have the accommodation for these amazing fish or you don't. I don't mean to be rude, but if you calculate the amount it would cost to feed a RTC over a full, healthy life? it will cost thousands. These catfish should reach 4-5ft given adequate space. Now, correct me if I'm wrong but not many people can give adequate space. People feed these guys all this food because it needs it. I agree about your statement on captive bred but I think the statement people make about this fish, I.e "it should stay in the wild" is because there are not many people who can accommodate these magnificent catfish so please, before you post, check everything your commenting on is correct! .

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