Saw one at the new england aquirium in Boston it was massive
Ok, a couple things about this 1. This person seems to work at a LFS so of course the RTCs are being fed the crappy food like minnows. If you want to have a healthy RTC that lives a long life of course you should feed it the best of foods. 2. I don't think anyone was complaining about owning or wanting to own one...they're just simply stating the obvious. 3. I think most of the people on MFK have enough common sense to know not to release it into the wild.Originally Posted by Whitesoxman61;5069246; hahahahah i love threads like this i work at a pet shop and we sell little red tails and people sell us the big red tails back and i NEVER seen one get this big ever the biggest one we have gotten was probably 3 and a half feet and that guy had it in a pond you people need to understand that these fish dont grow any where close to 6-8 ft in a FISH TANK and for you people that say " let is go it needs the wild" these fish were not taken from the wild they are bred in captivity they dont know what the wild is i love listening to you people "it costs thousands of dollars to take care of these fish" w t f are you feeding them whole cows? i have 2 that are about 19 inches and i feed them golden roach minnows and they eat like 2 to 3 at a time and those cost me about 4 bucks a dozen i dont think you people can do math because that comes no where near thousands of dollars but keep on trying to turn people off of these amazing fish BTW we get people coming in all the time in my shop to buy the bigger red tails for companys that have small indoor ponds or even our large aquarium comes and buys red tails time to time we probably have them for a month to the longest so quit complaining
spending thousandsmillions
some just like to over-do it on the warnings, yawn.. Every fish is uniquely different and how fast they grow depends on YOU and the fish. More often than not, it's the ones that over-feed their pigfish that get really big. I've seen RTS, pacu, pleco over two years that wasn't very big, just depends on the fish. Fish keepers warning about fish growing big while their feeding it steak, lobster and potatoes 5 times a day, you have to take with a grain of salt. 1000 gallons is never enough, always someone who has to come up with an even bigger number, so no matter what your tank size, it's not big enough. Fish in the wild are not the same as fish in the home aquarium and no matter how much you dream of your tiny little 1000 gallon tank being an amazon tank, it will never be. In this hobby, you have to expect the extreme and paranoid, everyone is trying to out do the other, who's is bigger or better or different. I don't know which is more entertaining, watching the fish or watching the fish keepers.