• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

So you want to keep a RTC (Red Tailed Catfish)?

Whitesoxman61;5069246; said:
hahahahah i love threads like this i work at a pet shop and we sell little red tails and people sell us the big red tails back and i NEVER seen one get this big ever the biggest one we have gotten was probably 3 and a half feet and that guy had it in a pond you people need to understand that these fish dont grow any where close to 6-8 ft in a FISH TANK and for you people that say " let is go it needs the wild" these fish were not taken from the wild they are bred in captivity they dont know what the wild is i love listening to you people "it costs thousands of dollars to take care of these fish" w t f are you feeding them whole cows? i have 2 that are about 19 inches and i feed them golden roach minnows and they eat like 2 to 3 at a time and those cost me about 4 bucks a dozen i dont think you people can do math because that comes no where near thousands of dollars but keep on trying to turn people off of these amazing fish BTW we get people coming in all the time in my shop to buy the bigger red tails for companys that have small indoor ponds or even our large aquarium comes and buys red tails time to time we probably have them for a month to the longest so quit complaining

Your ignorance is astounding mate, reading your post i knew you didnt know much, pfft we give red tails a healthy diet, not only minnows!
I adore red tailed cats, I see the little babies at my favorite fish store whenever I go they're sooo darn cute.
I've got a redtail catfish from a fish store.. I've tried hand fed my redtail catfish but it seems he doesn't wanna eat whenever i hand feed him.. Any suggestions??
I have a RTC ( now around 3 foot) and it's fine in a heated pond... I can easily build a bigger pond for it and plan on keeping it for a long long time
lol ok so ill add to this, a blunt + a walk to "Koreaville" in NYC brings my friend to buy an RTC from some insane store. The guy barely spoke english and we had no clue what we where buying. He put it in a 10 gallon tank with his G-F tetras, soon after his g-f was shocked when she saw a RTC in her small tank. Unlike us she new what it was. The thing was only a 1" big, completly harmless.....So i decided to take the RTC and bought a 20 gallon tank. With in a week I thought to 2x my tank size to a 40 gal breeder. Within 3 weeks i realized I need a 100 gallon. Now that I have the 100 gallon I know I need 350 gallon, that cycle will continue. I have never hurt an animal or neglected a pet, so i feel bad for the stress he had to go through as myself being an Amatuer fish hobbist. Though I have become completely thrilled with it, finding that it has just as much personality as a dog. Thats what it is like, getting a dog only it grows faster, larger, and must be kept in water.

So after 8 weeks he has grown from 1" to almost 11", now i understand his g-f utter shock finding it swimming with her tetras. Mine is kept with tetras and guppies, he hasnt eaten any
ohh yeah the main reason i posted...dont buy one unless your a pro with a huge set-up, tons of $$$, a permenant home, and a life expetency of 20 years+

ok lets go over the cost at min. within first 2 years if you want to keep it in a tank

350 gallon tank w/filter heater ect. - used 800$ new 2500$, custom 5000$+
Food for 2 years. Massivore Delight 2.2lb x 4 per year at 50$ a bag = 400$, feeding live food, shrimp or beef heart 800$
Deco. driftwood ect 200$
Medicine, trace elements, vitamins, filter media, and pads. Well over 600$
THE MOST FORGOTTEN BUT COSTLY. YOUR ELECTRIC BILL- well over 2,000$, if not more depending where you live