We are TSN-less again. Lost the last of the 5 alleged orinocoense from AquaScape, 7 months after its brother lost in Aug 2021. We got the 5 in Oct 2019 at 4.5".
Another experiment ended in a fiasco.
Same manner and symptoms. Had a couple of bouts of no appetite for a few months. Then rebound. Then the last one ended in erratic swimming. All the same as before. Euthanized.
I think it died from the same bacteria or protozoan parasite, as the main cause, that took out lots of our fish and all our TSN from before. No notable swelling.
I also think that insufficient water changes contributed too. I waited too long to replace 6 RO membranes. The WC was like 100% in 3-4 weeks for the last couple of years, versus 3-4 days when the RO membranes are fresh. Even though the TDS was still around 300 ppm, that is quite acceptable, I think this is at least one significant compounding factor in the passing of the TSNs.
2.5 years old, 31 inches.