Speaking of TSN runts, dinks, and Co...

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Last footage of Sigaren, the latest and the biggest TSN we have lost at 34" and 7 years old.

underwater, 7:30-8:20 minutes:

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The two remaining TSN from AquaScape, allegedly w/c orinocoense, have been doing well. Got moved to another 240 gal for now and after their nerves had settled down from the move they started feeding very well in a couple of weeks - every day they ask for and receive a 6"-8" herring (thawed, soaked in VitaChem). Probably 24" now.

They don't want to be around each other anymore like they did when small. I never see them together but they don't appear to fight, just each keeps to their half of the tank.

The duo has gotten an upgrade to 4500 gal. Been in there for a week or two, still sheepish, just barely starting to come out for the feedings.

The two orinocoense / fasciatum have done well in the 4500 gal, grew to about current 30", always stay at the surface when I feed and wait for fish to be thrown their way.

9:50-10:10 min

As you know in Oct 2019 Brian [IMG alt="fishhead0103666"]https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/data/avatars/s/165/165932.jpg?1618241556[/IMG] @fishhead0103666 helped us purchase 5 allegedly wild caught TSN from Mike of AquaScape, labeled as orinocoense but could simply be fasciatum, $40 a fish at 4.5". Mike swore they were wild caught in Colombia as I told him I didn't want to deal with captive bred anymore.

As reported above, three of 5 perished when young within the first several months, despite growing very well initially... and now a bit under 2 years later one more died in a similar manner (spinning death), for no obvious reason but perhaps an internal pathogen. So we are back to having only one TSN, and 1 for the latest 5.

All the damage is self inflicted except the fins which have been bitten by tank mates in the last day or two of the illness.

2.5 years old, 30".

I think it is just a fasciatum from the Orinoco river if we chose to believe Mike's suppliers.

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@thebiggerthebetter have you seen if Jamie from Freshwaterexotics can get you some WCs TSNs they have people collecting fish for them that they buy driectly from. That way you know for sure ? its a WC.

Am catching up on your threads am so sorry about the losses ☹️

PS im not sure if they are going on another expedition this fall due to the pandemic they can even look for the specific TSN if they are actually going
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We are TSN-less again. Lost the last of the 5 alleged orinocoense from AquaScape, 7 months after its brother lost in Aug 2021. We got the 5 in Oct 2019 at 4.5".

Another experiment ended in a fiasco.

Same manner and symptoms. Had a couple of bouts of no appetite for a few months. Then rebound. Then the last one ended in erratic swimming. All the same as before. Euthanized.

I think it died from the same bacteria or protozoan parasite, as the main cause, that took out lots of our fish and all our TSN from before. No notable swelling.

I also think that insufficient water changes contributed too. I waited too long to replace 6 RO membranes. The WC was like 100% in 3-4 weeks for the last couple of years, versus 3-4 days when the RO membranes are fresh. Even though the TDS was still around 300 ppm, that is quite acceptable, I think this is at least one significant compounding factor in the passing of the TSNs.

2.5 years old, 31 inches.

The video to go along with the prior post about losing the last orinocoense:

One new rescue 7" TSN from Matthew. We are trying again yet with the TSN...
