Speaking of TSN runts, dinks, and Co...

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Russ @wednesday13 would you say it caught your eye or does the tail end past adipose look fine to you?

only “real” one weve seen on here was around 8 yrs ago maybe from @LiamIrons its still owned by another member here which name escapes me 🤦‍♂️. He hasent posted in a while. Watched ur acclimation video lastnight and was happy for u Vik! Didnt catch what u guys are talking about or mentioning of the tail. My anxiety highly spiked when u tried to use the sock 😳. Happy u ended with the sheet. Was hoping you’d just dump it out of the tub lol…

anyway… Rodrigo stated in a cple youtube videos he received hybrid corruscans and true corruscans. I believe the hybrids were all smaller sizes so id hope u did in fact get the real one. On the website this is not stated, just different sizes/prices. So far so good on looks for ur specimen tho. Def. farmed raised so that may account for any slightly odd body proportions (the tail) but so far i dont think its a hybrid. Tail does not seem really worry-some to me either. Rootin for yeah this guy/girl reaches 3-5’+ 💀🤘. One of my all time favorites. If they wernt so fast/open water driven id get one for myself. In my older age i know too much lol… would only last 3-5 yrs in my 650g.
Best of luck again with it Vik! Highly deserved, couldn’t have went to a better guy/place.

Try searching under the term “Pintado” if ur looking for reference pics of juveniles or just in general. Alot more info and pics come up that way 💀🤙
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Yes, LiamIrons was the first ever in whose 1100gal tank I saw a corruscans. I think his might have gone to either @Rpul or @dazzapolypterusweeksii or maybe both Josh and Darren got theirs separately, IDK. I think Daz's / Darren's we can see still on his YT channel in his super SS tank.

I thought I was rather clear on the correct ID but thank you for your take and it is highly valuable to me to know what you think. Most assuredly this is no TSN x achara hybrid, this one we know perfectly well. Hybrids are indeed labeled ambiguously on the PF site. They are smaller and 10x cheaper. Hybrid is out of any question, at least not with achara. I hope not but hybrid of 2 TSN species cannot be discarded because we know not the source of the fish. This is stretching it too far and unnecessarily, against Occam's Razor. I think we should rest assured for now it is the genuine corruscans.

Yes, I have reviewed all the photos I had and we had on the MFK of juvi corruscans. There aren't many, maybe half a dozen or less of (semi)reliable ones. Ours is a strong match of one photo from Brazil. Second photo in Necrocanis's post in my thread (that has other corruscans photos): https://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/...-could-it-be-p-corruscans.564171/post-6727132

Hahaha... on the sock anxiety! I didn't know he was going to get dead stuck in it. Never tried sock before. Bad choice! Good thing he didn't want to go inside the sock.

Why do you think "Def. farmed raised so that may account for any slightly odd body proportions (the tail)..."? As I mentioned Rod claims w/c in my emails with him. I wanna believe him but then he had two deformed ones for sale in the same corruscans batch, one with different size eyes and one with a bad camel face! So this leaves me badly doubting. What do you think? Why did you say Def. farmed?

You've always been too kind to us, thank you greatly!
Having reread my own thread from 2016, I perhaps should backtrack on this fish being unlikely to be a hybrid of 2 TSN species:

If this was a hybrid for $725 before shipping and not a genuine species, it'd be a bummer. The frustrating thing is we likely will never know, we cannot find out.
Looks like for one, true adult corruscans must not have any vertical lines at all (may have very short horizontal lines in addition to small roundish spots) but ONLY spots: great page on the comparison of:

- genuine corruscans = pintado
- genuine reticulatum = cachara
- retic mom x corrus dad = pincachara

corruscans father x retic mom 2.jpgcorruscans father x retic mom 1.jpg

corruscans father x retic mom 3.jpg

Nice video on FB:
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Talk about high maintenance! The new corruscans feeds is the weirdest way, which suggests it has been either fed live feeder fish or indeed it came from the wild? (On the other hand the deformed kin in the batch argues strongly for the farmed origin... What to make of it?)

We can only speculate at this point… glad to see theres food intake tho 💀🤙… still not uncommon for any new fish to need some extra “babying” when they first come in. Hardest fish i ever broke was a pair of wild caught northern pike. They were very smart but just wouldnt budge. Took a good year for them to realize what food was and eat with vigor. They would follow me around, come up and beg for food then do absolutly nothing when the food was offered lol 🤷🏻‍♂️… ive had captive born ray pups do the same and just not know what to do for months on end. 50/50 as always… it could be captive born in a farm and used to other fish feeding around it to spike its interest or it could be wild caught, stubborn and just getting used to prepared foods. Hard to tell for sure even with a reputable vendor saying its w/c.
Corruscans/pintado have been highly farmed to renew the resource since the 90’s. Farming began to re stock wild specimen for commercial fishing, sport fishing and also to provide food right from the farm. Ill try to link the article im stating facts from. It also mentions even in the farms these guys are very hard to get on prepared foods or pellets.
Thank you so much for this, Russ!

Corruscans/pintado have been highly farmed to renew the resource since the 90’s. Farming began to re stock wild specimen for commercial fishing, sport fishing and also to provide food right from the farm. Ill try to link the article im stating facts from. It also mentions even in the farms these guys are very hard to get on prepared foods or pellets.

I'd love to read it!
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I hope you'll find that article when you have some time and luck, Russ.

Meanwhile, here is a photo of a normal corruscans at PF (IDK why the tags are 8-9yo, hopefully means nothing; Chase was sent these photos by Kevin when he was buying a corruscans for us 4 weeks ago) and a photo of a deformed corruscans in the same tank also from Kevin of PF:

corruscans at rod's.JPEGcorruscans at rod's deformed.jpg

Another corruscans in the same batch had one eye obviously defective, of different size, don't have a photo of it but the peer who bought it "FishWood" talks with us in YouTube comments (under this YT video EnBA47aMNSA). We could ask him for a photo.

@fishwood7645 I got one from PF around 1 months ago it still hasn’t eat but it looks fine. How did you get your to eat I’ve tried everything
TBTB Great to know you got one too. I've tried to explain it in words in this video but tonight's video will show it several times. It seems to be the weirdest way but understandable, if our fish indeed came from the wild or were fed only live feeder fish before.

@fishwood7645 sorry i might have missed some stuff because i was watching it with only subtitles on since i was in public. Mine is deformed it has an eye smaller than the other and I tried live fish already it didn't work. I doubt theyre from the wild though.
TBTB I see, thank you for more info. I hope you saw yesterday's video. Interesting, so yours hasn't taken a live feeder fish?! Have you tried leaving live feeders in the dark tank? ... Yes, there seem to be two conflicting arguments - one argues that the fish are c/b because of at least two deformed fish in the batch, the other argues that these fish are not used to and hence were not fed dry feed (as farm raised fish would be) or frozen which implies they could be w/c.

@fishwood7645 It wasnt really a proper feeder fish. it was live goby. I caught them up in a mountain lake while i had the chance. clean feeder fish are hard to obtain because i have to quarantine them. I have tried live since but im still trying frozen fish.
TBTB I see, thank you. IDK how but maybe you could try to do something similar to what I've found out here. 1 month is not too long but can be a long time for a fish that already came thin, I hope your corruscans will cave in soon. Have you tried bloodworms or better live nightcrawlers? Maybe a live crayfish.

@fishwood7645 haven’t tried either, and small crayfish are kind of hard to get because its from a creek near my house and the water quality is not very clean. Ofc im gonna try what you did because i know you’re one of the best at this
TBTB Thank you for the kind words, albeit I'd vehemently object... yet this is not an argument about me :) Peers often advise to try live earthworms. Crayfish from the wild would bring in bad pathogens with it. I meant a crayfish from a store, or a thoroughly pretreated / QT'ed crayfish from the wild. You could tie a thawed fish to a string / fishing line lightly by the tail and let it sway in the current too in the dark to entice the TSN. Garlic juice presoak is another appetite-triggering treatment, as is anise oil, VitaChem, etc.

TBTB 2 days ago How is it going? Any success big or small?
@fishwood7645 2 days ago hes more active at night now but still not eating

TBTB 1 day ago thank you, keep us abreast please if you will
@fishwood7645 1 day ago yeah for sure I'm still trying
Vik, Can’t get the link to work properly…


hopefully that works for u typing it in. Its an older article from 2004. Shows ya how long pintado farming has been around tho. I’m sure theres alot newer/more valid info out there since and plenty more farms by now.

As you know, ive followed deformities for quite some time. In recent years ive finally found proper evidence of where they may come from. Posted an article about “pug nose trout” somewhere on here within the last few yrs. I used to believe it was 100% from inbreeding and poor genetics. Seems trauma to the egg or fresh hatchlings can account for it just as much. The study on trout concluded their deformities were from eggs being laid on rocks in fast current. Ive posted countless pics of this deformity ranging from fresh to marine fish, predators to prey…

This makes things even harder to decipher whether ur new specimen is wild caught or farm raised based on its batch mates. The “spoonbill” in PF’s pic could be from trauma to the egg in the wild or captivity. Don’t think we’ll ever know for sure. I recently received a wild caught gisela bichir with 2 different sized eyes. Its a fairly new species not in the hobby long enough to be bred in captivity. Deformities can happen in nature just the same.

I used to be pretty quick to jump and say “if its deformed, 100% captive born”… these days im not as sure lol… As always, the more available a fish is the more likely it is to be “man made”… thats just logic tho.