Just wondering if anyone else keeps these cool little fish and what they feed them?
Just got one for my bro's community tank the other day.
Most of the time he chills out under the gravel which is cool. I'm just worried about him being inactive when I put in some black worms for him to chow down on.
Most of the black worms that I have tried to feed him have just ended up on the gravel and he has ignored them. Does anyone else have this issue?
And also, with the black worms that do get into the gravel will they just be eaten later on by the clown loaches and the spiney eel?
Just got one for my bro's community tank the other day.
Most of the time he chills out under the gravel which is cool. I'm just worried about him being inactive when I put in some black worms for him to chow down on.
Most of the black worms that I have tried to feed him have just ended up on the gravel and he has ignored them. Does anyone else have this issue?
And also, with the black worms that do get into the gravel will they just be eaten later on by the clown loaches and the spiney eel?