step 2 is done.
i made a template for the holes out of plywood.
2" in from end and then centered the other way.
use a 1/2" paddle bit.
mark one side of template "end" or an arrow so you know what side goes to the end of the board.
then go to town tracing the hole on every end and in the middles.
just keep the template centered and flush with the end.
then drill with the 1/2" bit.
then use a bigger paddle bit or hole saw bit like i did.
make it a bit bigger then your washers.
just drill in around a half inch to an inch,or the depth of your nuts
you want it in enough to be able to thread it on good.
reason you have to notch it out like this is the all thread is 24" and the pond is 24".
so to get the nuts on it has to be like in the pic.
just do this part on the top 2 boards and the bottom 2.
oh and start your wood long ones first like mine so the weights on the long end.
and in one pic the wood was split when i got it
step 3
i bought 2 pieces of 6', 1/2" all thread rod.
had to cut it to 24" lengths.
i think it can be bought 24" but might cost more and make sure its at least 24".