I guess my Stealth heater crapped out on me. I was walking by my tank when I got home from work and I noticed one of my coral life digital thermo's said 91 degrees.... I figured it must be an error and checked the other one and it was exactly the same 91 degrees I opened the glass tops and the water was really hot.
The unit was a 200 watt visi therm stealth on a 90 gallon bichir tank. The bichirs are all actually ok surprisingly. Its unplugged right now thank god I got back ups...
My question to you guys and the reason I am posting this is. Will the high temps have killed my beneficial bacteria ? Are there any precautions I should take for the bichirs health ?
The unit was a 200 watt visi therm stealth on a 90 gallon bichir tank. The bichirs are all actually ok surprisingly. Its unplugged right now thank god I got back ups...
My question to you guys and the reason I am posting this is. Will the high temps have killed my beneficial bacteria ? Are there any precautions I should take for the bichirs health ?