Swim Bladder Disease - 12" Oscar

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I don't know either. He feeds and is alert and active enough that I don't feel I need to rush to euthanize, but at the same time what quality of life is there to Bob at the top of the tank most of the day? Sometimes on his side

It's been about 2 months. No signs of deterioration in health...other than floating

I'm sorry to hear this but you can take your fish to the vet if you love it that much. I saw something on animal planet about swim bladder can be caused by a tumor. They X rayed the fish. A vet must be certified in aquatic animals.

Good luck just keep doing water changes and try to give bob a nice variety of diet.
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a vet is a good option if he is healthy and eating, its sad, hope he pulls through. tried the antibiotics yet? any pics of him when he was healthy?
How's your fish doing?
B BostonMike how's your fish doing?
Still alive, but still a bobber.

I've tried peas, dips, epsoms, kanalplex. Nothing has worked.

Demeanorwise he's still himself. Aggressively eating, and pooping like crazy. I don't think he's constipated.

Other than not being able to swim down, he's active.

Of course, I'd like to find a cure for this. Looks like closest vet is a 15 mile ride
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Not to throw out wild card assumptions, but something like a possible internal tumour as suggested, might be pressing on the swim bladder; creating issues, as opposed to bacterial infections, possibly explaining why he's otherwise healthy...

Of course, that's just a scenario; I'd do what ihsnshaik suggested and consider the vet route.
Once i had one of my baby Convicts that I bred become affected by the same disease early on except he was a sinker. Like a stone. He could only swim halfway up the tank and then would sink. I thought he was going to die. He didn't, he ate, he fought, everything else was normal. I tried a lot of different treatments but nothing worked. In the end, I had him about 5 years before he died to something unrelated.
Wow......Can't believe he is still alive! Mine died about two or three weeks after obtaining swim bladder. Thanks for update.