• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo

Synodontis quartet, ~8"-12", in 4500 gal

The trio of the decorus in the 1800 gal has been very shy for the last 2 years+ and hid behind the large Pterodoras granulosus by the back black wall to almost never be well seen. So I used an unrelated occasion and transferred them back into one of the 240 gal:

8:10-8:20 min

In the beginning of Jun 2022, a few synos rasped quarter-size hole in 16" sun catfish, which tipped the scale and 5 synos, 3 eupterus and 2 hybrids, got kicked out and went to the jerk tank.

For 2 months the wound wouldn't heal and I didnt know why until I finally caught smaller Neolissochilus mahseer mouthing the wound. The mahseer left the 1800 gal and the large craterous wound skins over in 9 days!

What they had occasionally done in 1800 gal before getting evicted, they do now in 240 gal:

Another case of synodontis parasitic behavior described by the prior owner of an oscar. The only tankmate synodontis catfish wouldn't stop rasping on a wound on the oscar, had to be separated.
