Tanks. In. restaurants.

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In a Milwaukee suburb (either Greenfield or greendale) in the late 70s, there was a restaurant called JoJos.
They had at least one, maybe two (can't remember), 500 gallon tanks, with large fish. Both kept up immaculately set dead center of the eating area, very nice.
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In a Milwaukee suburb (either Greenfield or Greendale) in the late 70s, there was a restaurant called JoJos. Long gone.
They had at least one, maybe two (can't remember), 500 gallon tanks, with large fish. Both kept up immaculately set dead center of the eating area, very nice.
They sell every food item you could imagine under the sun, and none of them are more than a 4/10. I have only tried the pizza. But it all looks pretty bad :)
Good ole chinatown
I'm rather picky when it comes to pizza,I dont eat any frozen pizza.....what I have had tastes too cardboardy and I only like pizza from certain places here.I doubt that I would want any pizza from there....how was it?
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I'm rather picky when it comes to pizza,I dont eat any frozen pizza.....what I have had tastes too cardboardy and I only like pizza from certain places here.I doubt that I would want any pizza from there....how was it?
I am picky about pizza. This was about on par with any of the 1$ cardboard slice places in NYC. Good in a pinch but not actually good
In a Milwaukee suburb (either Greenfield or Greendale) in the late 70s, there was a restaurant called JoJos. Long gone.
They had at least one, maybe two (can't remember), 500 gallon tanks, with large fish. Both kept up immaculately set dead center of the eating area, very nice.
Yea I feel like most of the places around here that have good tanks (outside of private tanks) all use one of the three tank services in the area, there are 2 salt water ones and a 19yo kid who does fresh water. That 19yo also works at my LFS and is one of the most knowledgeable fish keepers I’ve ever met. 10/10 would recommend him to anyone in western NY state.
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One of my local Petsmarts has a few bow-front setups in the fish isles away from the sale tanks that have been running and stocked for years. What ever miscellaneous fish they have in there look terrible and don't last long.
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The Chinese buffet we go to has 5 tanks in the restaurant. Two up front by the check in counter and 4 out in the dinning area. The ones out there I believe are all salt water. I honestly never get the chance to sit back by them because it’s always busy. The front ones are under stocked guppy tanks. Loads of plants inside and top plants(pothos). The vines are so long they make a canopy above the check in counter. It’s pretty interesting.
All tanks are very clean and fish are healthy. None are over stocked or inappropriately stocked for tank size.