Id say a red texas varient, but deffo a texas cross
In the world of genetics it matters not so much the location as it is the genetic similarity between two species. Festaes and a number of others may live in South America, but they're more closely related to the CAs, and hence can interbreed with them. Hence they're to be honest more like a CA that came down to SA and evolved to live there.Great thread so far, i was wondering, im under the assumption that the festae is south american. Im not sure where i got this idea from, but it can interbreed with CA's. if it truelly is a SA then what SA cichlids can it breed with ? But if its a CA then my Q is invalid aha
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What SA's can breed with it and produce valid fry ?In the world of genetics it matters not so much the location as it is the genetic similarity between two species. Festaes and a number of others may live in South America, but they're more closely related to the CAs, and hence can interbreed with them. Hence they're to be honest more like a CA that came down to SA and evolved to live there.
It could be the geo, but i highly doubt that the eggs would become fertile, but depending on the size of the JD it could be him, ino that jd's can breed at a small sizeAwesome thread! I've been noticing that my 6" female Blood Parrot has been making nests and laying eggs and I was wondering if it would be possible that my male 4" Geophagus Surinamensis could fertilize the eggs. I have a young male Jack Dempsey in there as well, but I don't think that he can breed yet.
Here's a couple month old pic of the three
and the tank (ignore the tetras, they were moved)
The eggs were laid 9/11/12 and the hatched 9/13 he is the largest but not the coolest imo. Out of the 50+ fry i got from them I have around 12 left heres their threadThanks for that Thai-Silk hybrid Picture. The face looks awesome, almost like it has some Escondido Texas in it even though it does not. How old is that baby? Would like to see it's Adult pictures when it gets bigger.
Basically, no SA can breed with a Festae and produce viable fry. 'Cept CAs that have moved down to SA. But yeah Geos, Acaras, etc. etc. can't breed with Festaes. At least, there's no proof.What SA's can breed with it and produce valid fry ?
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