I couldn't get any work done if there was a tank in the office. I haven't actually "watched" tv since I put a tank next to it. Cool fish!
Chocs are on my to-get list, along with a few Pearsi's and Bocourti's. I like the body shape and personalities of these fish (from what I've heard and seen). Really cool fish, but they need a lot of tank space.
To show how quick Bobo changes, here he is squabbling with Boss minutes later. This always happens when the water level gets low during a change and everyone is out of room.
He backed down after this pic was taken (Bobo isn't a fighter). But you can see his stripes showing. His eyes get very bright when he's mad.
Nothing important happened, btw. Boss nudged him and he swam off.
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I never considered chocolates until this thread...now I gotta get one. Also, where’d you get the blue sand?
My chocolate is a big, sweet poof. He just 'floats' when he swims and doesn't spend any energy he doesn't have to.
The sand is from a Canadian company SANDTASTIK. You can google it. They have nearly 30 colors in both play sand and floral sand. You want the floral sand for aquariums. It's like heavy sugar crystals and made for plant drainage. My 225 only needed 80lbs for 1 1/2" layer. There's space between the grains. I never even rinsed any of mine, just put it in. Very heavy sand.