• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo


a red zebra cichlid my dad just bought decided to overthrow the chain of command in the tank and killed the dominant electric yellow.. TORE HIM UP
Yeah I lost a few juvi RBP when i first got them )': Rip Betty Sketch Kisses and Micheal first 3 died of ick and Micheal dissapeared...... idk if he jumped out or if he was eaten by Freddy and Jason.....
This was my last ditch effort to save my 20" black aro.


I walked up to the tank to grab the food off the top and he freaked. Slammed hard into the side of the tank and did a nose dive. He couldn't right himself, so I made a sling. After being in the sling for over two days and not recovering, I put him down.

Then two days later my 10" baby florida gar decided he preferred to live behind my 120g on the floor.
fishaddict401;3852471; said:
My betta was dying yesterday, floating around. So i put him in a cup and quickly killed him with some cloves...... I hated to watch him jerk violently around, trying so desperately to reach the surface for air..... oh man.... Well it was better than what he was going through. So this was a pretty sad loss, because he was my first fish after i restarted the hobby, and he followed my finger and watched me at the computer and always yawned and that was cool. He started acting weird the day i go some DW, java moss and a cory cat. The cory is fine though.......
oh betas i love and hate them.... but umm... he might of just had a swim bladder problem.... idk why but sometimes betas have problems with their swim bladders it's happened to several of mine you could of just put him in a separate tank/bowl and see how he did sometimes they recover sometimes they dont :/