• We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Holy crap, My 3 Piranha attack the glass when someone is sitting next to it!!
Don´t think it´s any danger, mine got scared from something and hit the glass with full force. He was acting strange 3 days after the accident before he died. And when I found him in the water intake and looked at him closely I could se that the skull was a bit cracked and he was all red and blue around where he hit. Nasty
Don´t think it´s any danger, mine got scared from something and hit the glass with full force. He was acting strange 3 days after the accident before he died. And when I found him in the water intake and looked at him closely I could se that the skull was a bit cracked and he was all red and blue around where he hit. Nasty

wow that must've been 1 seriously aggressive fish
Lost my 12" Temensis Pbass last two weeks. Unknown cause of death.
Foster and Smith Brand Bio/Power filter aka piece of crap just stopped working on a 40 breeder w my wild caught pair of atabapo 1 pikes and I found them DEAD. I was so pissed. Last night another one crapped out on a tank w/ Geophagus brokopondo holding eggs. They will be getting another earful from me and I will be hesitant to try new products in my fishroom.

From DJ/MC Decker
i should of taken a pic, but i was away for the weekend and i fed them heavily before i left and did a water change, but i came back on sunday to find that my smallest common pleco had died, he was about 5 inches and when i removed his body it turns out all that was left was his shell, the whole bottom and inside of him were eaten out. my mom said it was my clown loaches, harsh.. he seemed to be doing fine, was battling a fungus infection for awhile but it cleared up and i thought he was ok :\