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The End-All Mini Monster Thread

Scientific Name: Pangio Oblonga

Common name: Kuhli Loach, Coolie, Leopard Eel, Black Kuhli

Care Level: Easy to Moderate

Size: (in centimeter): 10-11 cm (4 inches) but more likely 8 cm (3 in)

pH: 3.0-7.0 very adaptable

Temperature range: Fahrenheit: 77* - 80* is recommended but can be kept at slightly lower or higher temps.

Origin: Believed to be originally from Java, Indonesia but now widespread throughout Indonesia, Thailand, India, and Cambodia

Temperament: Peaceful

Compatible Tankmates: Just about everyone. Might not do well with shrimp. Don't keep with anything that might eat it. (duh) May eat fry or eggs

Diet: Micropredator in wild but will eat sinking wafer and flakes in captivity. Enjoys frozen and live foods. Bottomfeeder

Tank Size for Adult: 10 Gallons

Narrative: They NEED hiding places like cave. They also really need at least 3 in per tank to be happy. They like to clump together. They are very peaceful and like to swim around when the weather changes. Nocturnal.
Mantis shrimp
Some species under 2 inches
5 gal tank
Mantis shrimp are tough little basturds you can throw a crab in its tank and watch it get its head knocked in or what I found to be cooler was watching them meticulously decorate there cave and if kept off live food you can even put other fish with them in my experience at least
My peacock Mantis is one of my all time favorite pets

Scientific Name: Etheostoma blennoides

Common name: Greenside Darter

Care Level: Moderate to Difficult

Size: 10-15 cm (4-6 in)

pH and KH range: 7.0-8.0

Temperature range: 18-23 C (64-74 F) is preferable but they can go a good bit lower and a bit higher.

Origin: North America

Temperament: Very Peaceful IME.

Compatible Tankmates: Other riffle inhabiting darters, shiners of the Cyprinella genus, most dace, and the majority if peaceful riffle inhabiting North American fish.

Diet: bloodworms, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, cyclops, daphnia, nymphs, and snails. LOTS and LOTS of snails, as many as you can feed them!

Tank Size for Adult: 10 gallon for a single adult pair, keeping them in 20 tall or larger gives the opportunity to house them with many other tankmates.

Narrative: A great, peaceful native fish with just as much personality as any cichlid. They make great addition to North American riffle aquariums and show their best color when kept with lush algae, specifically hair and carpet algae.

References: My knowledge from keeping them and NANFA. http://www.nanfa.org/articles/acdarteraquariums.shtml


Crenuchus spilurus GÜNTHER, 1863
Sailfin Characin

Crenuchus: apparently means ‘guardian of the spring’.

spilurus: from the Ancient Greek σπῖλος (spilos), meaning ‘spot’, and οὐρά (oura), meaning ‘tail’, in reference to the dark spot on the caudal peduncle.

Order: Characiformes Family: Crenuchidae

Type locality is the Essequibo river system in Guyana but this species is currently understood to range throughout much of the Amazon and Orinoco drainages plus coastal rivers of Guyana, French Guiana and Suriname.

Colour pattern, fin morphology and adult size is somewhat variable across this range.

Mostly inhabits forest streams and minor tributaries, and often occurs in flooded forests during periods of high water.

Its most-favoured habitats are characterised by large amounts of overhanging riparian vegetation and the water is typically stained the colour of weak tea due to substances released by decomposing organic matter.

The bottom tends to be covered in fallen branches, tree roots and leaf litter.

Maximum Standard Length
Generally 50 – 55 mm, although some forms can attain 70 mm.

Aquarium SizeTOP ↑
An aquarium with base dimensions of 75 ∗ 30 cm or equivalent is recommended.

Best-maintained in a well-structured set-up, ideally comprising a sandy substrate plus some driftwood roots and branches.

The addition of dried leaf litter further emphasises the natural feel and as well as offering additional cover for the fish brings with it the growth of microbe colonies as decomposition occurs.

These can provide a valuable secondary food source for fry and the humic substances released by the decaying leaves are also considered beneficial. Alder cones may also be used for the latter purpose.

This species seems to do best under fairly dim lighting but you can add aquatic plant species that can survive under such conditions such as Microsorum, Taxiphyllum or Cryptocoryne spp., while floating vegetation, especially Ceratopteris spp., is also useful.

There is no need to use natural peat, the collection of which is both unsustainable and environmentally-destructive.

It goes without saying that this species is sensitive to fluctuating organic wastes and should never be introduced to biologically-immature aquaria.

Water Conditions
Temperature: 20 – 28 °C

pH: 4.0 – 6.5

Hardness: 18 – 90 ppm

Chiefly a micropredator feeding on tiny invertebrates and other zooplankton with the stomach contents of wild specimens from Guyana observed to comprise Ephemeroptera larvae, copepods and ostracods.

In the aquarium it may learn to accept dried foods of a suitable size but should ideally be offered daily meals of small live and frozen fare such as Artemia nauplii, Daphnia, Moina, grindal worm, etc.

Behaviour and CompatibilityTOP ↑
Peaceful with other species but does not always make an ideal community fish due to its rather timid nature and predominantly benthic existence.

Ideally it should be maintained alone or with comparably-sized, non-aggressive characids and relatives plus smaller callichthyid or loricariid catfishes.

Nuptial adult males are territorial to an extent but physical damage is rare provided the décor is arranged in such a way that plenty of broken lines-of-sight are provided.

Sexual Dimorphism
Adult males are larger, more colourful, and develop greatly-extended dorsal and anal fins whereas females are relatively plain.

Normally spawns in small caves or among leaf litter and forms temporary pair bonds with the male solely responsible for egg and brood-care.

Sexually-active males form small, temporary territories at the centre of which is a small cave normally formed from leaf litter in nature, although in aquaria any suitable structure may be chosen (see ‘Maintenance’).

They then attempt to attract females in the vicinity to enter the cave via spectacular fin displays.

Eggs are normally attached to the roof of the chosen ‘cave’ with the female ejected post-spawning.

Inexperienced individuals may eat their first few broods, but don’t be tempted to remove the eggs and hatch them artificially, as the presence of the male seems to be crucial to success.

Incubation is normally 36-48 hours with the fry free-swimming around 4-6 days later.

The male continues to guard them diligently during this period. Once they are free swimming the fry can be offered newly hatched brine shrimp and/or microworm. The adult fish are usually safe with the fry, but watch them carefully for signs of predation if you decide to leave them together.

Hog w: worm.jpg Fat hog.jpg
Pics: Same fish, first while eating a worm and minutes later after burying himself in the sand

Scientific Name:
Trinectes maculatus

Common name:
Hogchoker (sometimes: freshwater flounder, freshwater sole)

Care Level:
Moderate (non demanding except to ensure that they eat)

20 cm (8") max, usually smaller (10-15cm, ~4-6" more common)

pH and KH range:
Low-end brackish, basic (8-8.5), moderately hard to hard water (15-25 dH)

Temperature range:
5-25 C (41-77 F)- maybe warmer since their range extends to Panama

Eastern coastal North America and south (to Central America) [USA, Mexico, etc]

Very peaceful unless you are a small prey species that fits in its mouth, and get RIGHT in front if it's face.

Compatible Tankmates:
Non agressive brackish water fish (warning- fry may become food for the hogchoker) [mollies, etc]

Bottom ambush predator- live worms, fry, crustaceans. May eventually be trained to eat frozen bloodworms or sinking pellets (such as Hikari carnivore bites). As an ambush predator, the food has to sit right in front (or above) its mouth for it to take it.
Several sources state they're nocturnal feeders but I usually feed during the day. They often come out of hiding when they see me near the aquarium.

Tank Size for Adult:
10 gallon possible, but 20 + gallons recommended (personal opinion)

The hogchoker is a bottom dwelling ambush predator who will usually remain buried in the sand, practically invisible. Occasionally it will attach to the aquarium walls. When young, black worms are readily taken. As it grows, larger worms, such as medium size earthworms, will be eaten. It will strike at fry but the success rate is low (based on my observations). It can be a challenge to feed in a community tank since the food has to be right in front of it (and other fish may start to eat and move the food). Small prey is rapidly sucked into its mouth (it disappears!).
Some sources I've read in the past state they are fairly oxygen sensitive.

References: (Google search)


Platydoras costatus

Spotted rafael catfish, Methusela catfish (As a joke)

care level: easy

size: larger species of rafael grow 22 cm, smaller species average out at 10-15 cm

PH: 6.5-7.5

Temperature flexible 70-85 farenheight

Origin: Amazon

Temperment: peaceful to anything to big to swallow

Tank mates: less agressive cichlids, larger tetras and barbs, gouramis etc.

Foods: very flexible, eat anything that fits in its mouth

tank size: larger species require about 100L with smaller species a 20 is possible if alone, preferred 30-40

Notes, if kept properly can live for 15-20+ years, very hardy fish that likes hiding places, covered in spines.Close relative of talking catfish

I'd like to reply and add. I have several and these are my favorite fish. One in particular I've had since I was new to aquariums. This particular species grows to about 5 inches. They like schools, but don't need them. They can survive in kH from 0-50. EXTREMELY hardy fish. I kept mine in 8.2 for a while before I had a water test kit (this was like 5 years ago) and it was fine. It does well in tropical temperatures but I would recommend keeping it at 82 or more. Anyone looking for a beginner catfish buy this. It likes driftwood and will hide in it upside down.
Feed right before turning off the lights. Also the scientific name is Agamyxis pectinifrons not platydoras costatus. The latter is the raphael catfish, which is striped and grows to about 8 inches. P. costatus can be kept in a 40 breeder at minimum. A young spotted raphael can stay in a 10 gallon.
Scientific Name: Aplocheilus lineatus

Common name: Golden Wonder Killifish, Striped Panchax, Golden Panchax

Care Level: Easy

Size: 6-8cm(3-4in)

pH and KH range: Very adaptable, so just keep it stable

Temperature range: celsius 22-25 Celsius, or mid 70s for Fahrenheit

Origin: India and reportedly Sri Lanka

Temperament: semi aggressive to it own kind

Compatible Tankmates: Small fish that wont pick on it

Diet: small fish as a treat, but their natural diet is small terrestrial and aquatic invetabrates, so crickets and maybe even fluval bug bites

Tank Size for Adult: 20 Long min

Narrative: Very entertaining little guys that have supprisingly large mouths, but unlike other fish will not everything that fits in their mouths only thing’s that they can swallow. If it stays 7 inches below the waterline, it is either being bullied by another fish and/or is sick

References: fish base and my own past expirience

I got these images from the internet and they are NOT mine although I have one
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