The End-All Mini Monster Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
brook lamprey are not parasitic as adults. they only eat as larva, then as adult's they're only task is to spawn. the lampreys that are parasitic such as sea and the silvers i posted as adults would probably be more interesting especially considering they are behemoths compared to many brook lamprey species

Yes, the parasitic ones would be more interesting since they need to hunt and get bigger.

You're correct about the brook lampreys not feeding when they reach adulthood and only spawning; they also develop eyes once they hit adulthood.

(Mother Goose, my female Gourami. She's had a split caudal fin since I bought her.)

Scientific Name: Trichogaster trichopterus

Common name: Golden Gourami

Care Level: Easy

Size: Up to 6 inches or 15 cm (probably max around 4.5-5 inches)

pH and KH range: 5.5 - 8.5 pH

Temperature range: 72 - 84 °F or 22 - 29 °C

Origin: Malaysia, South China Sea

Temperament: peaceful/semi aggressive

Compatible Tank mates: Anything from a Guppy to an Oscar

Diet: Flake food, slow sinking granules, brine shrimp and bloodworms (pretty much anything)

Tank Size for Adult: 20+Gallon

Narrative: The 4 to 6 year lifespan is just not long enough for these great little fish. They are easy to breed and easy to sex and provide great viewing and moderate interaction. Just like guppies, when stocking your tank you really should add 1 male to 3 female. I found this out the hard way, 1 male 1 female here; they lived together for a little over a year before I had to separate them. Males will eventually chase, nip, and stress females unless there are more females to spread the aggression.

These guys are great for community aquariums, My two Gourami’s have bounced around my tanks over the years and I have never had an issue with them; from being set up in a Guppy and Angel tank to living with a 13 inch Oscar along with myriad other CA/SA Cichlids as well as a Silver Arowana, they have never had a problem adapting to their tank and their mates. I have never seen these fish attack any other fish unprovoked, except the male chasing the female, but they will fight for territory; my 4.5" male fights over a section of the tank with my 5" Firemouth.

Sexing is super easy on these guys and gals; Males have a long pointed dorsal fin, whereas the females is shorter and rounded. They are also a labyrinth fish, so they should have access to the water’s surface in the tank. Also, make sure to have a secure cover, they tend to jump.

References:, my two Gourami; Maverick and Goose.
Might as well add a profile with the bump
Pollimyrus castelnaui

Dwarf Stonebasher

Care: moderate to hard

Size: approx 2.5-3 inches

Origin: central and southern african rivers and lakes

Temp range: 75-78 fairenheit

PH: not to picky, but prefers soft water

temperment: peaceful with non electric fish

tankmates; should mix well with other peaceful fish but avoid other members of the same species and any fish that use electic organs to navigate such as knifes or other morymoids. try to provide plenty of cover for these fish

Diet: small aquatic invertebrates found in the substrate, slow feeder

Narrative: Among the smallest morymoids, the dwarf stonebasher has the same inquisitive personality of other members of the genus. it is peaceful but slightly territorial, especially to other electric fish as mentioned earlier. as they are rare in the hobby and most are imported from the wild expect high prices and difficult fish.

tank size: 30-40 breeder for one, do not mix in a small tank or they will kill each other


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Reactions: J. H.
I have one to add:


Scientific Name: Fundulopanchax sjoestedti

Common name: Blue gularis, Golden pheasant

Care Level: Intermediate

Size: 15 cm

pH and KH range: PH - 6.0-7.0

Temperature range: 21°C-26°C

Origin: West Africa

Temperament: Mostly peaceful but predatory, males will fight with each other.

Compatible Tankmates: Other fish larger than 6 cm, taller bodied fish. Tankmates should be peaceful fish that won't nip at the male's trailing fins.

Diet: Meaty foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, blackworms, earthworms, chopped shrimp, smaller fish. Spirulina enhanced prepared foods help bring out the fish's stunning colours.

Tank Size: 10 gallons can house a single pair, keep an eye on the male to ensure he isn't too rough on the female when they aren't spawning.

Notes: Considered by many to be the king of killifish. There are several different morphs available in the fish trade, some with spectacular colouration. They grow quickly and are extremely greedy eaters. They require good water quality and frequent water changes to thrive. A tri-lobed tail is characteristic of the species. Like most killifish, the males are far more showy than the drab, subdued females. Excuse the terrible picture, I'll take a better one soon enough!
Ill add:
Rhinogobius Candidianus
Max size: 3"-4"
Somewhat peaceful. Their is a heirarchy and alpha male with my group of 4. Alpha males tend to be BEAUTIFUL.
Minimum tank size: for a single individual with no tankmates maybe a 5g. As a colony with lots of tankmates 15g/20g. A colony could fit in a 10g.
Note: these are all my pics




Scientific Name: Thalassophryne Amazonica

Common name: Prehistoric Monster Fish

Care Level: Relatively easy if you get it on live food

Size: 9 - 14cm ( 4 - 6")

pH and KH range: Not picky, hails from soft, neutral water

Temperature range: 24 - 28C ( 75 - 82F)

Origin: Amazon River Drainage Basin

Temperament: Sedentary, but very predatory

Compatible Tankmates: Nothing overly aggressive or small enough to be eaten

Diet: Quarantined feeders, raw shrimp/fish

Tank Size for Adult: 20H if kept alone, 20L Breeder for multiple

Narrative: Very ugly, sedentary, yet interesting fish, looks like the "freshwater" stonefish, but is completely freshwater. Needs thick substrate to burrow. Venomous (sp?)

References: wiki, PFK
what ever this fish is i want one :D
Scientific Name macrognathus siamensis

Common name: peacock spiney eel

Care Level: easy

Size: (in centimeter) 15

pH and KH range: soft acidic

Temperature range: celsius (fahrenheit) 22-30

Origin: countries indonesia

Temperament: peaceful

Compatible Tankmates: small to med non aggresive fish

Diet: live worms

Tank Size for Adult: 20+

Narrative: nice looking peacefull eel likes to burrow in small gravel and sand a bit picky to feed will come out if you feed it live black worms has an awesome looking nose

References: my huge brain pic of aqua hoby
my peacock was nearly 20+ centimeters before my suncats played tug of war with him

Scientific Name: Allenbatrachus grunniens

Common name: freashwater toadfish, freshwater lionfish

Care Level: no idea, probably moderate

Size: 12", 30cm

pH and KH range: pH 7.8-8.5, KH 15-25 Brackish Water

Temperature range: 23-28 C (73-82 F)

Origin: Indo-Pacific rim

Temperament: relatively lazy. They will eat anything that will fit into their mouths.

Compatible Tankmates: Archerfish, scats, etc.

Diet: Piscivorious by nature. Basic predator fare will do.

Tank Size for Adult: 48"x12"x12"

Narrative: BRACKISH WATER. Very odd looking fish. They do have venomous dorsal fin spines. They'll spend about 98% of the day in one spot waiting for food.

i have kept mine in complete freshwater with no issues i had to give him away when i moved to AZ
[h=1]scientific name: cicHLASOMA OCTOFASCIATUM

common name: JACK DEMPSEY[/h]care level easy

size: 6-8in.

pH and KH range:5.5 to 8.0

temperature:70 to 85 F

origin: South America

temperament: semi aggressive to extremely aggressive

compatible tankmates: other similarly sized Central and South American cichlids

diet: omnivore

tank size for adult: 40 gallons

narrative: named after a famous heavy-weight champion boxer not as aggressive as a red devil or a jaguar cichlid but pretty capable of holding their own ageist a green terror and possibly and oscar

references: fish and personal experiences

images (2).jpg
scientific name: cicHLASOMA OCTOFASCIATUM

common name: JACK DEMPSEY

care level easy

size: 6-8in.

pH and KH range:5.5 to 8.0

temperature:70 to 85 F

origin: South America

temperament: semi aggressive to extremely aggressive

compatible tankmates: other similarly sized Central and South American cichlids

diet: omnivore

tank size for adult: 40 gallons

narrative: named after a famous heavy-weight champion boxer not as aggressive as a red devil or a jaguar cichlid but pretty capable of holding their own ageist a green terror and possibly and oscar

references: fish and personal experiences
correct me if im wrong but are jacks from central american?