Exactly why i've given up arguing on this board...knobhill;5049647; said:here we go again
Exactly why i've given up arguing on this board...knobhill;5049647; said:here we go again
I think the OP is right, have you seen the difference in oscars kept in a 55 gallon tank to the oscars kept in a 220 and larger. The fish appear on average atleast 20 percent larger with way better fins and color. Just my observation from watching forums and seeing them around. Don't personally own an oscar.Some of the tank sizes to fish you wrote are a little high, espcially the oscar. Anyways, I have been in these convos before and argued about it as well. I have owned 5 MBUs and currently have an MBU at 23" in a 180 living perfectly fine.
Its weird that those people that say an MBU belong in a 1000 gallon tank as a minimum have yet to respond to this thread.........
fish eating fish isn't murder silly its an expensive feeding. What african cichlids do to eatch other is murderWas just skimming some of your posts and came across Filbert. You put a Fahaka Puffer in a community tank and you started seeing fish vanish or missing fins, etc. Didn’t you Google how ferocious these fish can be? So basically you let a puffer murder your fish and kept it in there for longer periods of time? So your fish were suffering? Also, you had it in a 125 right? I’m going to guess standard 18" wide tank, you must have known these fish can reach up to 20" right? So why didn’t you have it in a 600 gallon 5 foot wide tank? Just curious.... http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=136649
Also read your post on I guess your site about your experience with your MBU. You seemed to have an extremely large MBU in a extremely small tank to begin with. This to me seems like an isolated incident. I’m sure there are more stories out there just like what you did but that doesn’t mean we all do the same you did.
To go around saying this fish needs to be in a 1000 gallon tank is over the top. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with housing any size MBU from 1" to 30" in 1000 gallon tank, not every can afford to have one that big. These fish will survive in much smaller tanks and live healthy lives if the owner takes proper care of them. And not al MBUs are the same. Like I said in a post on here before, my MBU is lazy and lays on the bottom all day, most of my MBUs have done this, thou the smaller they are the more active they were. IF you have an MBU and he is overly active, hurting himself, freaking out, having a hard to turning around, then yes, it’s time for a bigger tank but if you don’t see that, most likely the MBU will be ok.
You're unbelievable.OK, ya got me but what about what I stated about room for exercise for this giant?
right on and very well said. now lets me and you start a giant puffer forumI just put my MBU in a 265, from a 180. I purchased a 500 gallon aquarium,put all my pbass, dats, 5 breeder rays, arro, etc. in there, no way I would addthe puffer to this tank. So the fish I removed from the 265 are in the 500 andthe MBU took over their tank. He is still active as always, eating tons ofshrimp and swims all over the place, tank is still 24" wide.
Now that I got a tank this big and a big puffer, it would be a waste ofspace for 1 big puffer. Especially when all he does is rests on the bottom forhours until feeding time. The tank is 48" wide, he is right at 24" ifnot 24". Ive have also seen Bigrichs 1000 gallon tank, and again, a wasteof useable space for 1 big fish. Now unless you have the funds to house a fishin any size tank you want, there isnt anything wrong with that, or saving upyour money forever to get a 500 gallon tank and adding just 1 mbu, thats finetoo but it is NOT required to house an MBU till adult status. If you say I'm wrong, what evidence do you have to back up your claim besides your own so called expert opinion?
My MBU has been in the 180 for some time now, he isnt dead, he is inperfect shape, he eats, the tank water is healthy, not stunted, I do very, VERYminimal water changes when he was in the 180 and it didnt have any effectwhatsoever on his health and overall condition. I still hand feed him and helikes to be petted, he is awesome.
Someone made a comment about a fish being uncomfortable, So I guess my MBUwas uncomfortable the entire time he was in the 180. I mean, even thou he eatslike a horse, swims around, comes to me when I come up to the tank, lets me pethim, he sounds so very uncomfortable. Then you toss in about the bio-load, etc.I guess that MBU is producing so much crap, my filters, minimal water changesand the only fish in the tank, thats way too much bio-load for the tank, so ifthats too much the I guess the load in my 500 is over the top right? So I shouldprobably remove 95 percent of the fish so the load isnt so high . Our water isdifferent from house to house, what we feed our fish, or filtration, waterchanges, so you cant sit there and tell me my bio-load is going to be highbecause it isnt. You want to come over and see for yourself? I invited anyoneover before and that invite is still open. All the people that have been to myhouse, fish keepers or not, the fish keepers never once said, dude, yourbio-load is high, you need a bigger tank, you also need better filtration, etc. Now that I have him back in the 265, hisactions are the exact same. If I put him in the 500, it will be the same. I hadthat smaller MBU, in a 180, all he did was sit in the corner until feedingtime.
Im writing all this because I have this fish, Im not pulling crap out ofarse like most people do, especially the people that dont own these fish andnever will. Im no scientist, I dont have a PHD in water testing, I dont tryto be cool and use scientific terms for the names of the fish, this is justsomething I like to do and I would not be spending all this money on fish if I didnthave a little bit of knowledge in what Im doing, never claimed to be a know itall like I see a lot of people on this board to be. Yes I have killed fishbefore because I didnt know what I was doing, I have transferred diseases fromtank to tank and wiped all my fish out, have kept my fish to cold and to hot when I first started fish keeping, Iput the wrong fish together before and one got killed or they both got killed, Ihave fed my fish live fish such as goldfish, fed my fish live mice, there isnta person here on this board that hasnt done at least one thing wrong in thefish keeping world, if you say you havent you are a liar. A lot of people hereact like they are experts when in fact they arent. They compile a list ofitems from the net, friends, books, maybe some personal knowledge and type itout on here for all to see, to try and make themselves look like they know whatthey are talking about. If you dont like how I house any of my fish,especially my MBU, well good for you, you are not alone. Maybe one day I willbe as perfect as you all and buy a 1000 gallon tank for my MBU so I know he iscomfortable and the bio-load wont hurt him. We all experiment on here to find whatsthe right thing to do and what not to do. Im not experimenting with my fish,or MBU, I like where he is, to me my fish is comfortable and happy and healthy.Im assuming my MBU is over 5 years old, I know he has been in 2 other handsbefore and he is a big boy, I will just stick with 5. I hope he lives forever butI know he wont and when he does pass, I will let you all know and show you andprove to you that yes you can keep an adult MBU is something far less than a 10foot long, 1000 gallon aquarium. As long as nothing in my tank malfunctions, dontlose power, freak accidents, there shouldnt be anything that can happen to himsince he is the only fish in there, he doesnt play well with other fish. Hedoes have a cataract in one eye and starting in another but he still sees well.I will hand feed him if I have to till the day he dies if he goes blind.
And just as in this thread below that someone in this thread posted, if allthese big arrows can live in a 550 that are just as big if not bigger than myMBU, then an MBU will have no issue whatsoever.