The Masked Shadow’s Fishing Thread!

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
My template:

Species #


Species Common Name:
Latin name:
Size of catch:
What it was caught on (bait/lure):
What rig was it caught on:
Where it was caught (place):
Where it was caught (topwater
Depth of catch:
How many:
Fight (0-10):
Other information:
Species #1

Vermillion Rockfish


Latin name: Sebastes miniatus
Size of catch: 10-12”
What it was caught on (bait/lure): stripped squid
What rig was it caught on: Double dropper loop with 12oz weight
Where it was caught (place): Pierpoint Landing (Long beach, CA)
Where it was caught (topwater): Directly on bottom
Depth of catch: 175ft and 475ft
How many: 2
Fight (0-10): 7/10
Other information: They took me into the rocks, which I’ve never had with Vermillions.
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Reactions: Deadeye
Species #2

Barber Pole


Latin name: Sebastes Bobcocki
Size of catch: 8-11”
What it was caught on (bait/lure): Squid
What rig was it caught on: Dropper loop 12oz weight.
Where it was caught (place): Pierpoint Landing (Long Beach CA)
Where it was caught (topwater, etc): directly in bottom
Depth of catch: 475ft
How many: 3
Fight (0-10): 4/10
Other information: Rare fish, but I always find/catch them on boats. Deep water.
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Reactions: Deadeye
Species #3

Ocean Whitefish


Latin name: caolalitilus princeps
Size of catch: 7-10”
What it was caught on (bait/lure): Stripped squid and stripped Mackerel
What rig was it caught on: Double Dropper Loop with 10-12 oz weight
Where it was caught (place): Pierpoint Landing (Long Beach CA)
Where it was caught (topwater,etc): Bottom
Depth of catch: 150-200ft
How many: 5
Fight (0-10): 7/10 for the fact they fight a lot for their size
Other information: These fought really well. If I wanted to I could’ve gotten my limit, but I gave them to people and kept the largest ones.
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Reactions: Deadeye
Species #4

Starry Rockfish


Latin name: Sebastes constellatus
Size of catch: 14”
What it was caught on (bait/lure): Squid Head
What rig was it caught on: Double dropper loop 14oz
Where it was caught (place): Pierpoint Landong (Long Beach CA)
Where it was caught (topwater, etc): Bottom
Depth of catch: 400ft
How many: 1
Fight (0-10): 3/10, dead weight
Other information: These fish when big are always super fat. Their airblatter fills and kills them.
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Reactions: Deadeye