The MFKers Guide to Keeping Turtles and Fish Together

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I have in the past kept red eared pond sliders, paints, softshells and snappers in tanks with my game fish, and obviously the snapper had to go for eating all the panfish. The others were happy just eating the goldfish and minnows id put in the tank to feed the fish, and the biggest paint I had grew to 14 inches across. I ended up releasing the turtles into a local pond and I can only assume they survived. When I get some more $ ill do another fish and turtle setup.
Miguel;4656867; said:
With MataMata ( Chelus Fimbriatus ) my experience is that it does swallow fish of a size one would not expect it to be able.
If the pointy end of the fish happens to be pointed in the right direction, ie, the turtle's mouth it happens. I have seen it happen with a 11' Hoplias Malabaricus.

How well did the wolf fish coexist with the turtles? I'm curious to know because I've been considering adding my Red High Fin Wolf to my turtle tank.
3 Painted turtles have not bothered our featherfin catfish, but my pleco has a bite in it's fin (not that big but you can tell). There's also some goldfish they got lazy and didn't eat. (And now they're no longer "feeder size") And some big crays that have survived.

#1 must have on turtles + fish = MUST have lots of hiding spaces
I have a 65 gallon with a spiny softshell turtle living with a green sevram,gold barbs,cherry barbs,and tetra's. Also there is a wiptail pleco and two red crabs. I have never noticed him ever attack the any fish but he will scavange the bodies of any fish that die. I have maintained them all togeather for a year so far.
How big is your turtle compared to the fish? soft shells are usually very aggressive I am surprised it has not tried to attack the fish. Are you sure that the turtle was not the one that killed the fish that it scavenges on?
snakeguy101;5117649; said:
How big is your turtle compared to the fish? soft shells are usually very aggressive I am surprised it has not tried to attack the fish. Are you sure that the turtle was not the one that killed the fish that it scavenges on?

I cant confirm 100 % but the only time so far that I have lost any fish is when I put new arrivals in and they die over night from not acclimating well I guess. I have never witnessed any attacks on any thing living. The severum is 5 inches and the turtle gas about a 4 inch shell. It is very docile for a softshell. ( And I have seen some real mean ones). Maybe because it is captive bread.
You certainly have an exception to the rule then. I would not recommend any one else try this.

Keep a close eye on them man, that set up would still make me nervous.
I have had a male red eared slider turtle for 3 years now. he has lived with comets, some that got too big for him to eat. he has lived with a red belly pacu that was later sold, and has lived with a number of similar sized koi that were sold as well. he currently lives with a pleco, a tiger oscar and two overgrown comets. both the oscar and the pleco are now bigger than him and he has rarely nipped at them(just the comets).

that being said I have tried keeping small plecos in there in the beginning and they became turtle food eventually. A blue crayfish also became lunch.

that being said the biggest hurdle to keeping fish and turtles together is filtration setup. their waste is massive and dirties up the water like a fish twice its size, you need to have lots of filtration for your fish to have adequate water quality.

here are some videos...

my latest update with the tiger oscar and pleco...

earlier shot with the koi and pacu...
snakeguy101;5119231; said:
You certainly have an exception to the rule then. I would not recommend any one else try this.

Keep a close eye on them man, that set up would still make me nervous.

I do. I actuly originaly put the tetra's in as a feeder fish. (there were no guppys or minnows avalible at the time and i was going on vacation for a week.) But it never ate them. so I just kept puting in more. I feed him daily one of the following : pellets,dried shrimp,wax & mealworms,frozen brineshrimp,bloodworms or crickets.