The MFKers Guide to Keeping Turtles and Fish Together

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Just a question , do you fill the water 75 percent of the way and then add a floating turtle dock or build a lot of substrate up into a hill on one side and use that so the turtles can climb up more easily?
Fill all the way then add a haulout, the more water the better, if you want you can add a ramp to a diy "land area" terrarium where you can make a nesting area
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Fill all the way then add a haulout, the more water the better, if you want you can add a ramp to a diy "land area" terrarium where you can make a nesting area
If I added a floating turtle dock will that be ok or will the turtles struggle. My turtles struggle climbing on my dock without the help of a ground.
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I see this thread hasn't had any activity in a while, but wondering if anyone has had fish in a tank with an African Helmeted turtle (pelomedusa subrufa)?
I see this thread hasn't had any activity in a while, but wondering if anyone has had fish in a tank with an African Helmeted turtle (pelomedusa subrufa)?

Mine is in with a male auratus. They get along just fine.
Hes been with other fish before, but ate my goldfish, koi, some green terror fry, and a few other various fry I’ve put in the tank.
I’ve had luck keeping painted turtles with almost any type of fish. I get them when their about an inch in size and keep them with large, fast, and healthy rosy red minnows. They rarely catch them, and I’ve had one live with a painted turtle for about a year. Soon they recognize that they cannot catch them and eventually stop trying. Since then, I kept a painted turtle with plecos, large cichlids, and other fish with little to no nipping. Just try not to keep them with slow fish with long fins like angel fish, or there might be some trouble ahead. But that’s just my past experience.
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I’ve had luck keeping painted turtles with almost any type of fish. I get them when their about an inch in size and keep them with large, fast, and healthy rosy red minnows. They rarely catch them, and I’ve had one live with a painted turtle for about a year. Soon they recognize that they cannot catch them and eventually stop trying. Since then, I kept a painted turtle with plecos, large cichlids, and other fish with little to no nipping. Just try not to keep them with slow fish with long fins like angel fish, or there might be some trouble ahead. But that’s just my past experience.

Welcome aboard
Thanks for sharing that experience with the painted I personally thought about attempting to try the turtle with fish combination.