The Most Desirable Pleco

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
fishdance;2013786;2013786 said:
This photo is for you :)
(Photo taken in a fish store)

Those are tiny little babies, and they don't have the nice coloration of many of mine. I'll be updating soon, watch for some pics.
WyldFya;2016622; said:
Those are tiny little babies, and they don't have the nice coloration of many of mine. I'll be updating soon, watch for some pics.

I was reading this link on google... and it caught my eye that theres actually a bit of pleco fans on MFK.. i know there are few.. but rarely from a post as far back as this.. anyways.. I will be getting a L-014 very soon.. and seeing that WyldFya.. your 135gallon has so many pleco.. I'm glad that i can house more than just 3 pleco... I wasn't as much of a pleco nut..

Until i found how many versions and variety of Pleco there are.. even my Dad dont mind as much anymore... He hate the Commons..

My 150gallon has an L-190, L-200 (big 6") and a 10" Chocolate Pleco.... I was able to find a 12" Goldie Pleco.. and i think.. if permitted.. I will get a L-128 too... just to spicy up the tank...

Anyone know if L-128 and L-200 are compatible for mating?
no one?
I personally really want a Leporacanthicus triactis, L091 Three Beacon, Dragon Fin Variety. I see normal Three beacons on occasion, but never the Dragon Fin variety.

I really miss my Queen Arabesque that randomly died one day a few months ago. I also lost a Snowball recently for no apparent cause.

Right now i'm keeping one male albino Bristlenose, one Peppermint (L031), one Gold Nugget (L018), and one Clown (L104).
i NEED (yes NEED lol) a blue eyed panaque with the whiskers.

other than that i love commons and my 2ft common was my baby.
so far i got 2 commons, 4 albino commons, and a clown/tiger panaque(i think, never got a great ID on him).
Royals, gold nugget and vampire plecos are my favorite though I have none. I have a few clowns, a whiptail, and an L204. my old rhino pleco had the best personality imo of all the plecos i've had over the years.

and Zebras are insanely over-rated these days, my old one I rarely saw and have little to no personality, only it was cool to watch him eat frozen bloodworms. Though that was back when little was known of their habits. I think it's great they are being CB as there nearly extinct in the wild if the info I was given is correct, which is why in the states they are so expensive. they can no longer be legally imported from what I was told.
Oooo, old thread resurrected. OK i'll play: L24, L25, L114 and L600