The Most Desirable Pleco

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
The L260 is a beautiful pleco but i personally like the spotted pleco's like the gold nugget the suncat is another the snowballs and the royals those are my favs and there least expensive.:D :D
Does anyone keep the xanto? Parancistrus aurantiacus. They seem to be up there with the High colour scarlets, zebra's, blue eyes, but i never here much about them in terms of keepers. Just reminded by them as LFS had 2 in for £199

Which- the "punk pleco"? That's not something you see every day lol. Do you have a picture of N. roraima I have never found one on the net. They all come from the bases of the Tepuis right? I believe that to be a very unexplored area?
I also remember hearing they seasonally shed and regrow the spikes (at least on the pilosus) but i'm not sure of the truth in that. I haven't really read much about them since the massive hype. Just incase anyone hasnt seen it yet (although has been talked about somewhere) heres N pilosus.

Inaccessible mountain-range streams and Venezuelan native export ban means that it has pretty much never been obtained for hobbyist keeping, though prices have exceeded 1000 dollars US for successful capture of said fish. As with many rostral odontdal bearers, such as psuedancistrus sp, they shed said growths often, likely post mating season.