The Piranha Nutrition Thread

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
ive tried to feed my bellys many times with pink convict but nothing to do at each time ... is it the variety of convict is the problem ir just my ranahs are *** ???
a have nothing agaionst the *** ; its just an expression ...
Grats coop it became a sticky :headbang2

at above poster it may just be your piranhas i know mine arn't very interested in fish i toss in there (live ones anyway)
Zander_The_RBP;3872549; said:
i fed my p's beleive it or not fish flakes (big als brand) and they took them right away and blood worms that was when they were in my 29 growing out and i did daily or atleast every other day water changes to remove the leftovers

when my caribas were 2" or so they would swim up to surface and checkout some of the small floating plants I have in the tank or piece of small leaf so I thought I could try flakes and they might eat it...but they never paid attention to the flakes, so I'm stuck with feeding them fish now
Just think, years from now when people click on this sticky they're going to see our orginal posts. Most of us probably won't even still be here.

Great job btw.
Great write up. Congrats on the Sticky.
jp80911;3873392; said:
I thought I could try flakes and they might eat it...but they never paid attention to the flakes, so I'm stuck with feeding them fish now

The easiest way I've found to get them on flakes when they aren't interested is marine flakes. It's probably not great to keep them on longer than it takes to get them eating flakes reliably but marine flakes have a strong smell and it's worked for me every time. I've only ever used it on red bellies, bichirs and small dempseys. All were basically on rosy reds and nothing else.
Once they don't hesitate to go for the flakes (usually within a week) I switch to whatever I want them eating every other day for another week and voila, they'll eat almost anything I give them.
I can't remember the brand the flakes I usually use though, I think it's Ocean Nutrition reef something..
What type/brand of pellets are good for adults? I've been using large floating cichlid pellets, but they dont work well with my overflow system