pikey;3993568; said:
i'll dissagree on that tbh mate my fish have never come to harm or been un able to digest the food's i give them. plus all fat is removed from the beef as i use only fillets at its only 10% of the time.. my fish are in awesome condition look at my pics see for your self
your free to have your own opinion on the subject but ill base mine on sound scince and not what i think is right
i don't mean they can't digest it (it wont pass out of them undigested) the fats and some protiens in it (fats are in every part of the meat not just the veins of fat) are undigestible to a pirahas relatively primitive digestive system (primitive compared to mammals)
chances are these fat's would still be in there feces if you actualy had the means to check
how do you know they are able to digest it ? have you cut them open and checked ?
it's amazing how well a person(or animal) can look on the outside and how horrendous they look on the inside so don't tell me feeding my fish absolute garbage is good for them cause they look fine now alot of my friends have fast food daily and there not as wide as a house but it's still not healthy
im not saying that you can't give it to them im saying that your wasting money / being irresponsible if your giving said things to your fish for obviously nothing more than entertainment value
RedBellyRhen;3993755; said:
I would disagree about the chicken part because in the wild dont piranhas often eat young birds that fall out of their nests and into the water?
yes they do and this reflects in the nutritional values of avian meats vs mammalian, they are a hell of a lot better for piranhas but still this does not happen with any frequency in the wild and should not be considered a part of their staple diet
I wrote this based on scientific research, not anecdotes that people occasionally offer like, "I feed mine pinkies and their fine," or "I feed mine nothing but hot dogs and they've been fine for years." Just because they can eat it doesn't mean they should.
exactly! whether or not your piranhas are doing fine on a steady diet of steak and chicken is irrelivant because science says no matter your success in using it it's still bad for them (in the long run whether or not symptoms ever show)