The Use of Probiotics in Aquaculture

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
I don't see it being an issue. it's not nearly the same as shipping live fish across the border. Then again, I'm not a customs agent so what the hell do I know.
no, I meant the company's willingness to do it.
plus that's enough to supply the whole USA membership of MFK for a long time. a little packet or 2 is all I need, forever.
Maybe some of us should divvy up a box.
Well, then on the flip side of it, couldn't we just use the liquid version of rid-x that's readily available most places? I would imagine it would be the same concept minus all the mess of the powder.
Well, then on the flip side of it, couldn't we just use the liquid version of rid-x that's readily available most places? I would imagine it would be the same concept minus all the mess of the powder.
NO. it's the non-organic, chemical containing version.
the only part of the powder that "goes to waste" is the bran medium, and since I put it in mesh bag, that's no prob.
my only complaint of RidX is the cloudy look in tank for 24 to 48 hours. but smaller doses= less of that.
I feel your pain. Just dosed my tanks with Bactri Pond, if you blink you miss it. lol