The Use of Probiotics in Aquaculture

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
For a number of reasons, but sticking to this particular subject:

There are many commercially available probiotics for fish, however the shelf life of some is often questionable. Some complete fish food diets also now add probiotics in an encapsulated dried form such as Aqua Master Premium Fish Foods

What I find questionable, is his knowledge about this (and other subjects), such as promoting a food that he sells, that (big surprise) contains a non-questionable shelf life probiotic (encapsulated), called Aquamaster. In the sales pitch for the Flowerhorn formula he states:

*Includes Natto Probiotic for improved digestionand less water contamination *Specifically designed ingredients for Pearl Flower Horn Cichlids which is needed for more brilliant color.
*The balanced nutrition is edible under fully cooked process, easy to digest, and absorb.
*Aqua Master Cichlid Feed contains a rich vitamin complex and minerals that enhance the antibodies of the ALL Cichlids (in particular Flower Horn Cichlid & other SA Cichlids).
*There is NO BETTER diet for South American, Flower Horn Cichlids, or any other Cichlid raised for their large head such as Red Devils!

Among the other very questionable statements made they define the probiotic used as a Natto Probiotic, which is basically soybeans fermented along with Bacillus subtilis. So their "Ultra Premium" wonder food not only
contains soybean as the 3rd ingredient, followed by wheat flour, followed by a *mystery* starch, which is followed by more wheat, it also contains fermented soybeans that include B. subtilis.


My advice, stick the data in this discussion that is supported by actual researchers in this field. Bacillus spores that are produced and marketing specifically for aquaculture purposes are not that difficult to source, especially for those living in the USA. No need to be promoting the use of fermented soybeans in a fishes diet, or presoaking pellets in yogurt. I personally find both concepts ridiculous, especially when one considers the mountain of information & sources that have been supplied thus far in this discussion.

Nothing personal amigo, I'm sure your intentions were good. But to answer your question, that's why. :)
We I have to say this is one of the most interesting threads I have came across on MFK. I have been doing some more research into this topic and came across this company that has been in business since 1934. Mind you the site is not organised very well but it has a lot of good info IMO. Wondering what you guys/gals think about some of their products. I am trying to get some info on prices which I will post, but first curious to know what you guys think. Thanks. (They are now: Earth Doctor, Inc)

Here is a list of some of their dry products.

Here is a link to one of the products I am looking to maybe buy.

Here is another I may get that helps start new tanks in conjunction with the product listed above.

"We recommend that a new aquarium start-up for one month with Clear-Flo 1100 and 1002, to cycle and seed it with nitrifiers and toxin degraders, then maintain with Clear-Flo 1002, alone. An aquarium started with Alken Clear-Flo 1100 and 1002 should be ready for aquatic inhabitants in 48 hours."

"ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1002 is a soluble, super-concentrated, dry blend of eleven natural, non-pathogenic, spore-forming, gram-positive Bacillus specifically selected for use in aquariums and garden ponds, to rapidly degrade a wide assortment of proteins, starches, fats, carbohydrates, fibers and excreta that contribute to murky water, reduced oxygen and buildup of algae and sediments. ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1002 contains specialized aerobic and facultative anaerobic strains which oxidize deadly hydrogen sulfide, reduce buildup of nitrates, clean mold stains off aquarium glass walls and degrade organic and fatty acids, common contributors to unpleasant odor in aquariums. If ammonia nitrogen is also high, ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1100 or 1100-50x should be used in conjunction with ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1002."

"ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1100 is a liquid blend of nitrifying bacteria designed to control ammonia and nitrite in aqauriums and small garden ponds. ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1100 is particularly popular for intensive cultivation of valuable decorative fish, where high buildup of excess nutrients leads to proliferation of excess algae and other problems. Where BOD/COD is also high, it is recommended that ALKEN CLEAR-FLO® 1002 ,soluble dry water cleaning formula be applied to break down excess organics and suspended fecal matter and solids, without sticking to glass-walled aquariums. .Fish hatcheries, fish farms, lobster pens, prawn farms, natural lakes, ponds and rivers usually use our extra concentrated Alken Clear-Flo 1100-50x instead of this single strength product."
From post #109 in this discussion .......

Correct, all of these products are very similar, but there can be variations in what strains of bacteria (as well as the number of bacteria) are being used from one company to the next. Even within the same company there can be variations in the product line depending on what the formula was primarily designed for, as in organic waste reduction, or competitive exclusion and overall immune response. The one thing that they ALL have in common, the vast majority of these products are based on the Bacillus genus strains of bacteria.

As an example, check out the various formulas that this company sells.

There are probably "hundreds" of similar products on the market, marketed and sold by scores of different companies.
If anyone is interested, I did get in contact with the president of the company who said he would sell me 2 ounces of the CLEAR-FLO® 1002 for $15 + shipping. He stated with correct dosing, that would be enough for just my 265 for 2 years.
Make sure to post back with your results. Hands on reviews on different product lines are always appreciated.
I received the package yesterday and put in my first dose this morning. I will let you know how it goes.