The Use of Probiotics in Aquaculture

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Is it possible for the probiotics to lower the fish' immune system, if it isn't exposed to some pathogens.

P.S, no I haven't read 30 pages of the thread, nor do I want a condescending answer; for those to whom it may apply. Let's keep it mature.
I would suggest/request adding instructions for popular products to the op. I stopped dosing for a time and forgot the proper dosage for rid-x, and searching for it isn't fun on mobile. If you did list instructions and I missed them you can just overlook this.
This is not an exact science, and depending on the overall organic load of each tank will vary among users. Probably the most common product will be Rid-X, so from post #6 by Tom. (Aquanero)

My experience has been the same as Miguel's and Neil's (RD.). I have been using a product called Earthworm (link attached below) I've also tried Rid-X with the same results. My fish also eat the undissolved pieces with no ill effects what so ever. These products have completely dissolved (eaten) the waste in the tank, kept the filters cleaner and have improved water clarity and reduced/eliminated odors. I have been dosing at a rate of one tablespoon every two weeks per 90 gallons of water however exact measurements are not necessary, along with regular weekly water changes.

I have used this in my 225 with wild Scalare Angelfish, in two 90's with some Oscar grow outs. Other fish that have been exposed to this in various tanks include Festavums, Chocolate cichlids, A Royal Pleco, Eartheaters, Corys, Liopoldi Angelfish, Altum Angelfish, various Tetra species all with no ill effect over the last few months. I was also interested in the aspect of competitive exclusion and the long term benefits. My fish are generally healthy so this part of the equation will have to play out over the long term. As far as the immediate benefits, as stated the tanks "appear" to be healthier overall and water parameters remaining stable. This is the same principle as the "sludge" removers you can buy at a higher price with less of the good "good guys". Take a look at the link I attached to see what these products make available to fight all the nasties in are systems.

Hope that helps ........
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Yep that helps thanks. I am of the opinion that it would just improve the post a bit and realize you might not be able to edit it directly. I think it would just save you some work from having to answer people like me. It's not a huge deal either way, I think it's never a bad thing to improve stickies.
Ya I agree, problem is I can't edit any of the various topics that have been made stickies. If I could, I would. Of course when I started this topic I didn't exactly plan on it staying at the forefront forever as a sticky. lol I simply found that these low cost probiotic bacteria worked so well for my set ups that I wanted to share with the rest of MFK. I'm glad to see that this info has helped others.

And the other thing is, I really only have to answer the folks that I want to, it's not like I'm getting paid for my time. :)
I figured as much, and you are right about the last part. I used ridx in the big tank for the first time and will see how everything goes in the morning. I've had good results in the smaller tanks so I'm expecting continued success.
I'm glad that it's worked out well for you thus far.