I know, i use solar salt from the hardware store. I do appreciate the clarification, i was just wondering this.
I do apoligize for not wanting to read the thread, its 46 pages of thread and i dont like reading computer screens very much (makes me have blury visilon, i prefer books)
Now to my point:
I am raising my guppies in 20 gallon highs with undergravel filters as the ONLY filtration. They have airstones on each end.
I know this is gonna bring some hateful comments, but im pretty confident i can do it just fine.
SO the stress zyme and probiotic food have Bacillus in them both, and i assume this is the type of bacteria that breaks down leftover food in the substrate?
Why would someone need all 3? (In tank, in food, in liquid)
Are you saying just the more bacteria the FASTER it breakes it down?
Cant nitrates get pretty high this way? (bi-product of BB)