Should have mentioned, I have also got a package of what seems to be a similarly natural product called Septo-Clean, which is much cheaper; 3 pounds for $27 at Home Hardware. I will start out with Bio-Clean now that
has acted as the guinea pig for its safety.
If I don't immediatelly kill all my fish with that, I would likely gradually phase that out in favour of the cheaper stuff if careful experimentation proves it to be also safe. The hope is to use the stuff long-term for my septic system as well, so I will be going through it a far faster rate than if I were only dosing my fish tanks; a penny saved...
If I save the Bio-Clean for fish use, and utilize the Septo-Clean for the septic tank, I'll still be ahead of the game cash-wise. The first dose of the latter was applied to the septic tank this morning; no eruptions or geysers or bubbling or strange creatures trying to least so far...