Just like putting an acrylic tank on a foam board, it doesnt matter how many tons it is, spread out over the entire surface of the foam, it easily supports the weight because the "P.S.I." is very low...
You might be correct that the foam with concrete lattice can withstand the PSI.
But it is not the same as placing a tank on foam with a solid plywood backing. If you put say a 4 inch spaced lattice work of 1/4" re-bar between the plywood and foam, then put the tank on, the foam would be pushed into the lattice work.
Also the pounds per square inch of a tank placed on foam is not the same thing as the pounds per square inch of outward pressure at the bottom of a given water depth. Say you have a container 1 inch deep that holds a thousand gallons of water, you have very little bottom pressure. If you have a container 50 feet deep that holds a thousand gallons of water you have considerable bottom pressure.
I would want to be sure the foam has more than enough PSI strength for the depth of my tank before proceeding. If it dose I think it would be an exceptional and simplified concrete tank construction method.