Picked these 3 up today from the lfs. The guy was not sure if they were Aureum or maculipinnis (ellioti). Let me know what you guys think. Picked up so HRP too, which already have eggs in the corner of the tank. They are in different tanks by the way.
Those are definitely aureum. Nice ones too. They will color up even more when they go.
Your HRP didn't waste any time lol...they breed faster then rabbits.
I can not wait until they get settled in and color up. I will post some pictures in a week or so. Went to go get the HRP and saw these guys. I could not stop thinking about them so I went back and got what was left. They were labeled yellow firemouth or red aureum on the tank. Nice find none the less.
Most likely if they were called red aureum you have T maculipinnis.
To my knowledge there is no red aureum...there is a gold morph and a blue morph .
I have purchased "red aureum" before and to me they looked more like a hybrid between maculipinnis and meeki. However my understanding is that across maculipinnis' range ther is quite a large amount of variation i n appearance . I currently own gold aureum collected from Rio copan .
IMO none of your pictures are quite good enough t o judge by , and even if they were really clear pictures fo unstresssed fish ...it may be extremely difficult to be certain , as most Thorichthys species are very similar in appearance.
Gold aureum
Here is a picture of the "red aureum " i had before
I really think these are most likely a variant of maculipinnis , but i am curious as to if it is not a hybrid of one of the helleri group crossed with meeki? Nice fish IMO , but not an aureus . http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a387/Siklid423/Thorivhthys018.jpg
Here are some pictures I got today. They have some more color to them. I need a better camera because they lose a lot of color to them in the pictures.