Tire Track Eel true minimum tank size?


MFK Member
Feb 21, 2014
Buffalo, New York
Is a 350 big enough to keep the tire track and fire together? Is the concern they will fight?
I've seen a lot of spiny Eel community tanks with as many as a dozen similar sized Eels the people will tell you "don't like other eels" and they swim all over and around each other, I wouldn't be worried about them fighting so much as the bottom getting over crowded, I may skip the royal pleco and try out a TT, a Fire, and my BGK, it's going to be close to a year before I can afford to set up the 350 the way I want it, so this is subject to minor changes along the way!


MFK Member
Feb 21, 2014
Buffalo, New York
Ok but very little by infusion.
Yea it would mostly be used for added surface movement (and kind of aesthetics as I like the way the bubble walls look at least when the ugly blue wall itself is blocked by scaping). Using an FX6 in a 120 will be a lot of surface movement as is, and it's probably going to be a single specimen tank, but every little bit helps!


Goliath Tigerfish
MFK Member
Jul 28, 2012
United States
I've seen a lot of spiny Eel community tanks with as many as a dozen similar sized Eels the people will tell you "don't like other eels" and they swim all over and around each other, I wouldn't be worried about them fighting so much as the bottom getting over crowded, I may skip the royal pleco and try out a TT, a Fire, and my BGK, it's going to be close to a year before I can afford to set up the 350 the way I want it, so this is subject to minor changes along the way!
I've got 2 fire eels and a black spotted eel ranging from 10-15" all together the 2 fire eels fought when I first got them and my black spotted ran my bigger fire eel out of his tube. But it has calmed down considerably the only altercations is when my black spotted steals my small eels worms(usually 3 times daily but my small eel still bring his wrms near the others hide). My understanding is it is possible to keep them together if raised together
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MFK Member
Feb 21, 2014
Buffalo, New York
I've got 2 fire eels and a black spotted eel ranging from 10-15" all together the 2 fire eels fought when I first got them and my black spotted ran my bigger fire eel out of his tube. But it has calmed down considerably the only altercations is when my black spotted steals my small eels worms(usually 3 times daily but my small eel still bring his wrms near the others hide). My understanding is it is possible to keep them together if raised together
I have the same understanding, especially if they're all aquired at similar sizes, I've had "super peaceful peacock eels" get in more fights with each other than the 2 black spots I've got, it's always up to the fish! My one severum murdered all his old tank mates in a rage, and yet now he lives in my current rescue tanks and doesn't even eat the guppies in it!

Just Toby

Fire Eel
MFK Member
Apr 22, 2010
Guildford UK
With fish (and many other animals etc..) you can lessen aggression by packing them in, it is less likely that one fish gets picked on unless sick. So, you may find that 2 Eels fights but 10 would not or you would not notice. The only thing we need to worry about is if this causes stress as the fish might not be made up to live in groups.

There is probably a lot of aggression in a shoal of Neon Tetras, we just do not see it.
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