True Green Terrors, Aequidens sp. Silbersaum

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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tydus;1937290; said:
Would you ship the male and do you have any pics?

I have no problem shipping the fry, but the male I would rather not. He'es pretty big and the sharp fins make breather bags pretty useless. It is pretty risky shipping an adult of that size without him breaking the bag.
I really would like the male, but it's okay for now. I don't have the time to grow out the fry. How big are they?
Fry are around 1". They are relatively fast growers, but one thing me and Tom have really discussed is that they are really variable as far as growth goes. I had a male that grew QUICK, whereas I had a couple that matured and grew much slower.
I don't have tanks for TGT fry as of right now, I wish I did. My fry tanks are full of victorian cichlid fry, so I couldn't get the TGT. Oh well, good luck.
Sounds good man. I replied to the PM so let me know and we'll get them out to you!
Hey ESPMike I've been looking for some Green Terrors for ages. Couldn't find anyone who was selling. You have any left. I would prefer some juveniles. I'm planning on breeding them FYI. I already have a male gold saum green terror, I couldn't find anyone who was selling a female though. So just some true green terrors are perfectly fine with me. How much would a few cost like 4 or 6 juveniles. And how much would the shipping be also my zip code is 43064, thanx alot Mike.
PMs sent!!! More fry are still available. They are growing though so soon they might go to some local LFS or Jeff Rapps.
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