True Green Terrors, Aequidens sp. Silbersaum

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
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ESPMike;1942211; said:
Fry are around 1". They are relatively fast growers, but one thing me and Tom have really discussed is that they are really variable as far as growth goes. I had a male that grew QUICK, whereas I had a couple that matured and grew much slower.

exactly my experience with them.

i have had a few the grew like weeds and a couple that are barely growing.

21 total owned. 2 F0- 19 F1... down to 3 do to breeding aggresion, tank jumping, and a couple mystery deaths. not really hardy fish. IME.

avatar is largest male
Yes, still some fry available!

XR you are dead on with them. The variable growth is someone really wild to see. I do have to disagree about their hardiness though. Mine have shown to be pretty tough. They do jump and I did lose 1 of my F1s to that, but as far as difficulty to maintain they are pretty easy. Not really picky about water conditions etc.
ESPMike;2015653; said:
Yes, still some fry available!

The variable growth is someone really wild to see. I do have to disagree about their hardiness though. Mine have shown to be pretty tough. They do jump and I did lose 1 of my F1s to that, but as far as difficulty to maintain they are pretty easy. Not really picky about water conditions etc.

mine are not only picky about conditioning, but most are terrible eaters. fed a variety of foods, and they rarely eat good amounts. Treated for parasites, etc. No difference in behaviour.
---XR---;2015739; said:
mine are not only picky about conditioning, but most are terrible eaters. fed a variety of foods, and they rarely eat good amounts. Treated for parasites, etc. No difference in behaviour.

Wow interesting to hear. I experienced the exact opposite. When I first got my fry they were a bit picky, but Tom reccomended me to try HBH Soft Krill pellets, and ever since then they eat like horses! If you havent tried it get give it a go. They go crazy for it!
ESPMike;2016530; said:
Wow interesting to hear. I experienced the exact opposite. When I first got my fry they were a bit picky, but Tom reccomended me to try HBH Soft Krill pellets, and ever since then they eat like horses! If you havent tried it get give it a go. They go crazy for it!

thanks for the tip, i'll defo try it! :)
Red_Terror;2021900; said:
PM/money sent. HBH Soft Krill pellets... where do you get that? Also does it work as the only food?

Pretty much any pet store has it, even PetSmart keeps it in stock. It is great stuff, and can be used for Salt and Freshwater species. I have had success using it as the only food. Its is a very good staple diet and I havent found a need to mix other things in at all as of yet. I suggest the small pellets for the fry, then once they get larger the large pellets.
Still more fry available! I hope the recent buyers are enjoying their fry!
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