ESPMike;1942211; said:Fry are around 1". They are relatively fast growers, but one thing me and Tom have really discussed is that they are really variable as far as growth goes. I had a male that grew QUICK, whereas I had a couple that matured and grew much slower.
ESPMike;2015653; said:Yes, still some fry available!
The variable growth is someone really wild to see. I do have to disagree about their hardiness though. Mine have shown to be pretty tough. They do jump and I did lose 1 of my F1s to that, but as far as difficulty to maintain they are pretty easy. Not really picky about water conditions etc.
---XR---;2015739; said:mine are not only picky about conditioning, but most are terrible eaters. fed a variety of foods, and they rarely eat good amounts. Treated for parasites, etc. No difference in behaviour.
ESPMike;2016530; said:Wow interesting to hear. I experienced the exact opposite. When I first got my fry they were a bit picky, but Tom reccomended me to try HBH Soft Krill pellets, and ever since then they eat like horses! If you havent tried it get give it a go. They go crazy for it!
Red_Terror;2021900; said:PM/money sent. HBH Soft Krill pellets... where do you get that? Also does it work as the only food?