True piraiba aka Brachyplatystoma filamentosum

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
When the water got softer, the Peru piraiba in 4500 gal attacked two marbled pim / achara catfish, as had happened couple years ago but in spring.

That’s extremely interesting. Why did the water soften? Is this usual this time of year? How do you keep your ph the same for long periods of time? Thank you for sharing. Fountain of knowledge.
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I beg to differ but thank you for the kind words. We make up our water in site from RO water and light brackish well water. Sometimes I lose track and it gets too hard and I have to dial it back to the softer side.

The pH is kept stable by the sufficient KH of abt 5-6 degrees. The WC is continuous, 100% every 5-7 days.

The piraiba targeted marbled pims before too. Something about them, IDK TBH. They seem kind of slow witted, oblivious, primitive, makes them an easier target maybe.
I beg to differ but thank you for the kind words. We make up our water in site from RO water and light brackish well water. Sometimes I lose track and it gets too hard and I have to dial it back to the softer side.

The pH is kept stable by the sufficient KH of abt 5-6 degrees. The WC is continuous, 100% every 5-7 days.

The piraiba targeted marbled pims before too. Something about them, IDK TBH. They seem kind of slow witted, oblivious, primitive, makes them an easier target maybe.
Very interesting. How does slight brackish affect the fish? My two piraiba are gonna be divided tmr. The alpha keeps chasing and attacking the smaller guy. These are very territorial catfish when in a smaller setup like what I have but even in your 4.5k. My ph is different in each of my tanks. How can I keep it at say 7.2?
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Piraiba larger juveniles and adults are often found in brackish waters in the Atlantic coastal estuaries. IDK how long or short they stay in brackish vs fresh. We've only kept ours in fresh.

Yes, piraiba seem to not like each other, especially past certain size which makes the tank size critical if attempting to house more than one.

Our pH also varies slightly from tank to tank, within 6.6 to 7.4. Perhaps foolishly, I never bother to acclimate fish getting moved from tank to tank here. I don't do it and I'd not recommend artificially controlling pH because over long term it will cause more problems than solve due to human and other error.
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Piraiba larger juveniles and adults are often found in brackish waters in the Atlantic coastal estuaries. IDK how long or short they stay in brackish vs fresh. We've only kept ours in fresh.

Yes, piraiba seem to not like each other, especially past certain size which makes the tank size critical if attempting to house more than one.

Our pH also varies slightly from tank to tank, within 6.6 to 7.4. Perhaps foolishly, I never bother to acclimate fish getting moved from tank to tank here. I don't do it and I'd not recommend artificially controlling pH because over long term it will cause more problems than solve due to human and other error.
I find it all so interesting that the fish we love to keep, often tolerate low levels of salt. I’d never have thought a riverine Goliath species would be spending chunks of life at the brackish side of the river. But this is also evident in brachyplatystoma rousseauxii or dorado. They spend their entire time breeding in places that have significantly more salt than any other parts of where u may find dorado. As for Ph, I never try to control, I just let what comes out of my faucet in. I treat all my water yet still see water rise to 8.0 very weird
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