True piraiba aka Brachyplatystoma filamentosum

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Right. The dominance depends not only on size but also temperament and gender, so these may outweigh the size advantage, although I admit I am surprised the lighter colored one feeds more because I'd expect it to be more hesitant at the feedings and more skittish and hence feed less. Yet, overall your situation seems out of the norm, they are way too skittish for what'd be expected. Well, now that they are in the pond, let's see what happens.
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Just doing my nightly feeding and both of them have darkened, the larger lighter fil. is now the same color. The pond has a black EPDM liner, so I am thinking that is why they have darkened, that and they are no longer stressed.
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The smallest 2 of 5 alleged Brazil piraiba have to leave their home tank to avoid getting killed or badly damaged. They are 10 inches and 12 inches:

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Wow, the size difference is substantial. You are getting good growth out of the bigger 3. My 2 are growing more like your smaller 2, around 10-11” now. I did get my 2 from Charles about 1 month after you received your 5. I was hoping for 1” per month, but not getting anywhere close to that. In February they were around 8,” so 2-3” in 4 months is not what I was hoping for. Being in a pond with other fish competing for the food is likely why the growth has slowed. They are still very skittish and spooked when other fish come to get the food and even dart away when I drop the food in.
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