True piraiba aka Brachyplatystoma filamentosum

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Wow, the size difference is substantial. You are getting good growth out of the bigger 3. My 2 are growing more like your smaller 2, around 10-11” now. I did get my 2 from Charles about 1 month after you received your 5. I was hoping for 1” per month, but not getting anywhere close to that. In February they were around 8,” so 2-3” in 4 months is not what I was hoping for. Being in a pond with other fish competing for the food is likely why the growth has slowed. They are still very skittish and spooked when other fish come to get the food and even dart away when I drop the food in.
Same thing happening with my two, at about 11” and 9”.
Like all piraiba yes ours are hesitant at feeding and tend to feed the last. The behavior you describe is similar to ours.
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3ft Peru piraiba in the 4500g kills 1.5ft LMB. They seem too dumb-bold to avoid being preyed upon.

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3ft Peru piraiba removes tail of a 2.5ft black ear shark catfish and is moved to the jumbo 4500 gal:

That sucks Vik. Second to losing fish when another fish damages another beautiful fish. Don't feel guilty, these are predators. You cannot control it's nature but merely suppress it for some amount of time.
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