Two ~16" Xingu, four 10"-16" Meta, and one unknown ~1' peacock bass in 4500 gal

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
One of the orinos unexpectedly threw in the towel too. This one is one of the smaller ones from the 4-pack Wes sent me 4 years ago. Final measure 17".

100_8606.JPG100_8608 (2).JPG100_8610.JPG100_8611 (2).JPG
I thought the orino death of 4 days ago was a fluke but it wasn't. Another one of our 5 orinos has died today.

That one was probably the biggest at 21"-22". Only 4 years with us, so probably 4.5 years old.

I wonder if the night light I have been leaving on for 3.5 years has been too strong and was in fact stressing out my fish whilst on the outside I could not tell it, they always fed well and behaved as expected.

What is the expected lifespan of pbass? Of orinos? Does it vary from species to species?

Dam that was a nice bass. Sorry for the loss.
You think they are getting spooked and running into the sides of the tank?.
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Dam that was a nice bass. Sorry for the loss.
You think they are getting spooked and running into the sides of the tank?.
Not at all. No damage to the snout. Every reason to believe it's a latent or obvious illness that lasts a while, a week or a few, or an end-of-life withering and then death.
3:30 to 5:20 minutes, underwater footage of the pbass - temensis, orino, kelberi:

0:00-5:50 minutes:

So one by one we've lost all the 6 original pbass this thread was started with - 4 Orinoco (2 are reported in the above posts and 2 are reported below) and 2 Azul.

First azul 20":


Second azul, 20":


3rd Orinoco, 21":

100_8652 (2).JPG100_8655.JPG100_8656.JPG

4th Orinoco, 25":


All are 5 years old or so. I don't think they lived their expected lifespan and I think it was the unsupplemented thawed fish that I was feeding them. More can be found in this thread if interested:

I have started soaking their thawed fish in VitaChem for the last half a year.

* * * * *

Thus, currently we have:

- 1x 30" temensis, 4 years old
- 1x 20" 5-spot Orinoco from Wes (the hero of the 1 for 10 survivor story), 4 years old
- 3x 20"-24" kelberi Rio Doce from Rapps, 3 years old

which you could see in the second video in this post.
One of the Rio Doce kelberi from Rapps passed, two remain. IDK why, no warning, except ill for the last several days, no obvious reason, except it was loitering by the fresh water supply (WC water in) for the last 6 months or so.

Final measure about 21" (the tail was trimmed by tank mates post-mortem).

... They look like the got beat on pretty bad at the end there.
All the external redness, swelling, and physical damage are from the final stages of dying and post-mortem feeding attempts by opportunistic tank mates. They have nothing to do with the primary cause of death (largely unknown to me) for any of these pbass.
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