Two baby albino channel catfish won’t eat again

  • We are currently upgrading MFK. thanks! -neo
Have you tried live food? Earthworms are good, night crawlers, red wigglers, crickets, stuff like that. Don't get them wild caught though, they could have any disease.
Great idea, but they are to small to eat most worm, and they always ignore any
Have you tried live food? Earthworms are good, night crawlers, red wigglers, crickets, stuff like that. Don't get them wild caught though, they could have any disease.
Great idea but I already tried that, they didn’t act interested in it at all, thanks tho
How are you maintaining the pond? Is there any filtration? Do you test the water parameters? I'm asking these questions because you stated they were eating but stopped.
Yeah, i though of that, but I did a water change about once a week, I would pump water from my big pond into the small pond , and I have 2 small largemouth, one small pumpkin seed, one big pumpkinseed, and one big goldfish in there, and I had one huge canister filter in it, just in case the small 25 gallon filter wasn’t cutting it, but that didn’t work ether. Thanks for the suggestion Tho.
...sooo you gave the old used water from bigger fish to baby fish... Thats not technically a water a water hand-me-down
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This is unlikely to be anything but a water quality issue. Sorry to be blunt but you dont sound like you're providing adequate filtration and water changes and I'd wager an educated guess that the oxygen levels are likely low... These things effect feeding behavior.. Just the facts. Increase actual water changes and beef up your filtration and they will get hungry again.
...sooo you gave the old used water from bigger fish to baby fish... Thats not technically a water a water hand-me-down
I have bigger filter-to-gallon ratio in that pond, and I had to de water
This is unlikely to be anything but a water quality issue. Sorry to be blunt but you dont sound like you're providing adequate filtration and water changes and I'd wager an educated guess that the oxygen levels are likely low... These things effect feeding behavior.. Just the facts. Increase actual water changes and beef up your filtration and they will get hungry again.
i had a 400 gph pump running to provide oxygenated water, yes the water quality might be a bit low, but i recently got a better filter for these fish, and they still won’t eat. Don’t take me for a bad fish-keeper, I’m doing all I can to keep my pets alive, and healthy. Yesterday I did a complete water change for the pond they were in, and I’m Putting them back in today. (And no, it wasn’t just a water hand me down, it was a full water change) thanks for the suggestions though
I have bigger filter-to-gallon ratio in that pond, and I had to de water

i had a 400 gph pump running to provide oxygenated water, yes the water quality might be a bit low, but i recently got a better filter for these fish, and they still won’t eat. Don’t take me for a bad fish-keeper, I’m doing all I can to keep my pets alive, and healthy. Yesterday I did a complete water change for the pond they were in, and I’m Putting them back in today. (And no, it wasn’t just a water hand me down, it was a full water change) thanks for the suggestions though
Calm down little bro. No one thinks you aren't trying. If you just put a new filter on them it likely hasnt established a bennifical bacteria colony yet. Get a drop test kit and track your water parameters. Stability by seachem will HELP ease the fluctuations.
Calm down little bro. No one thinks you aren't trying. If you just put a new filter on them it likely hasnt established a bennifical bacteria colony yet. Get a drop test kit and track your water parameters. Stability by seachem will HELP ease the fluctuations.
Thanks, I’ve been meaning to get a drop test kit for a while, just to test both ponds to keep it within the correct ph perimeters, (btw sorry if I sounded rude, I’m just stressed rn)
Its cool. I know you're stressin' but take a breath and get your zen face on ^_^ We know if you didn't care you wouldn't be here. I apologize if I sound short at times. I dont always have alot of time when i answer these things (i work, run a house, raise a kid, run a fish room and blah blah blah) so I'm sorry I if I just throw facts at you without more in-depth explinations.

Nothing is more intimately linked than a fish and the water it lives in. They breathe it, drink it, move through it, sence through it, and they absorb hormones and chemical cues from other fish in it. The quality of the water effects them all the way down to a cellular level. pretty much all of their life processes and behavior are governed by chemistry and conditions of the water.

You want to keep ammonia at 0, nitrite at 0, and nitrates under 20ppm? (Some one remind me! All my crap is on an AWC system so my last reading is rarely above a 5 on a bad day) ideal ph readings depend on the species.
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